Being Health Conscious Makes You The New “Conspiracy Theorist”!

Posted on Feb 14, 2015

Bernie Suarez
Activist Post

Remember when the fictitious notion of “conspiracy theorist” was supposed to represent the lone wolf weird lunatic in a dark basement? Believe it or not, this stereotype character never actually existed. That’s right, the basement lunatic conspiracy theorist was a fictional character invented by government, media and Hollywood (X-Files).

The propaganda began at least a century ago, accelerated after the creation of the CIA and became more pronounced targeting American people after the JFK assassination as described in CIA document 1035-960. Specifically the techniques, which we see employed today all the time by mainstream media and CIA assets/online trolls, include:

– No significant new evidence has emerged which the [Warren] Commission did not consider.

– Critics usually overvalue particular items and ignore others.

– Conspiracy on the large scale often suggested would be impossible to conceal in the United States.

– Critics have often been enticed by a form of intellectual pride: they light on some theory and fall in love with it.

– Oswald would not have been any sensible person’s choice for a co-conspirator.

– Such vague accusations as that “more than ten people have died mysteriously” [during the Warren Commission’s inquiry] can always be explained in some natural way e.g.: the individuals concerned have for the most part died of natural causes.

Today of course, we need only to remove the references to JFK in this document and insert the current issue of the time and this document comes to life nicely. Remember, government and its globalist masters sit around and have meetings to decide what topics will fall under the banner of “conspiracy theory” and which will not. To anyone wide awake it’s much simpler to understand it this way: If a story or accusation interferes with the final new world order plans then it’s a “conspiracy”, if it doesn’t then it’s a different point of view or a debate.

The first thing everyone should understand about conspiracy theories is that you don’t get to decide what topics fall under this category, they do. And because they (government) decide, we’ve now seen the subjective, fictitious, propaganda-based definition of “conspiracy theorist” morph dramatically over the last few decades. As mentioned before, we were first led to believe that conspiracy theorists were lunatics in basements separated from society, claiming things that were not proven while actually being wrong about everything. These people were supposed to have been essentially mentally diseased.

The conspiracy theorist then evolved into anyone who questioned 9/11 or any other new world order related false flag event. For years CIA’s mainstream media had worked hard to give the perception that “conspiracy theorist” represented a tiny percentage of Americans. But as the years went by, millions all over the U.S. and the world started waking up, and now the government and its media mouthpiece started feeling the pressure. The dilemma was, and still is, how to portray this growing number of awakened individuals / “conspiracy theorists” as an insignificant small group of people, while at the same time adding more and more people to the group by deliberately expanding the topics that make you a conspiracy theorist.

The dilemma of this situation was finally addressed by CIA’s Newsweek in a desperate article by Kurt Eichenwald May of 2014 entitled “The Plots to Destroy America“. In the article, Eichenwald, with seeming foreknowledge of the measles vaccine dilemma that was coming later in the year as a result of CDC whistleblower Dr William W Thompson’s testimony admitting the measles vaccine link to autism in African American children, had this to say about the measles (exposed) vaccine:

In 2008, no one in America caught measles and 13,278 people contracted whooping cough. By 2013, measles infected at least 276 people in the U.S. and there were more than 24,000 cases of whooping cough. Medical experts attribute this trend to declining numbers of people being vaccinated, in large part fueled by a belief that doctors and pharmaceutical companies are hiding the dangers of immunizations to protect profits, even though earnings in this niche are so comparatively small that six out of seven companies have dropped out of the business in the past 35 years. Now, because of this false belief advanced by scientific frauds and celebrities, vaccine-preventable diseases that were once on the brink of extinction are roaring back.

Eichenwald rolls on explaining:

George W. Bush murdered thousands by orchestrating 9/11. Barack Obama is a Kenyan national and holds the presidency illegally. Education standards developed by state governors are part of an anti-Christian communist plot that will turn children gay. Unemployment rates and the reported numbers for Obamacare sign-ups are lies engineered by the White House. Water fluoridation doesn’t prevent cavities in children and has been adopted for a range of nefarious purposes. And on and on they go.

Conspiracy theories have been woven into the fabric of American society since before the signing of the Constitution. But what was once dismissed as the amusing ravings of the tin-foil-hat crowd has in recent years crossed a threshold, experts say, with delusions, fictions and lunacy now strangling government policies and creating national health risks. “These kinds of theories have the effect of completely distorting any rational discussion we can have in this country,’’ says Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center who recently wrote a report on the impact of what is known as the Agenda 21 conspiracy. “They are having a real impact now.”

Experts say the number and significance of conspiracy theories are reaching levels unheard-of in recent times, in part because of ubiquitous and faster communications offered by Internet chat rooms, Twitter and other social media. “Conspiracy narratives are more common in public discourse than they were previously,’’ says Eric Oliver, a professor of political science at the University of Chicago who has published research on the phenomenon. “We seem to have crossed a threshold.”

The fears about Agenda 21 are a prime example. The name refers to a nonbinding statement of intent signed in 1992 by President George H.W. Bush and 177 other world leaders. The idea was simple: Under the auspices of the U.N., those countries expressed their interest in managing urban development and land-use policies in ways that minimized the impact on the environment. At the time, mainstream conservative and liberal politicians considered the concept to be fairly inconsequential.

As can be seen, the article identifies such a wide spectrum of beliefs under the new “conspiracy theory” umbrella that one might suspect this could arguably represent 75-99% of Americans. The list is long and includes anyone who doesn’t agree with Agenda 21, Common Core, the Bin Laden death hoax, the dangers of cell phones and more. So many are the topics that the average American could and would potentially find at least one belief to agree with on the list, thus officially making them a “conspiracy theorist”.

The only strategy Eichenwald and the CIA fall back on is the notion that, yes, we admit a lot of people are suffering from the mental disease of conspiracy theories (translation: waking up), and because this large amount of people (who are waking up) are starting to represent a possible majority, they are a “danger” to America (translation: The new world order plans). Thus, in this article the globalists and their CIA-approved writer are on the one hand admitting that everyone is waking up, while at the same time still appealing to their audience that essentially everyone is crazy and dangerous but you can still be “normal” by obeying.

This is proof that a lot more people are awake than the media is willing to admit. Sadly, the ongoing agenda of CIA’s mainstream media and government is not letting up by any means in 2015 and beyond as can be seen by the media almost psychopathic attack on those who want to seek a healthy lifestyle.

We are regularly now seeing those who DON’T want to ingest fluoride into their bodies accused of being conspiracy nuts. Anyone who understands the compounds in vaccines admitted by the CDC and doesn’t want those toxins to go into their body is now a conspiracy theorist nut. Anyone who doesn’t want to eat genetically modified organisms and damage their own DNA, or even take the chance of damaging their own DNA is now a conspiracy theorist. Just the element of not having faith in corporate cronies and dirty lying corrupt politicians is enough to get you on the conspiracy theorist list.

The definition of conspiracy theorist has in fact reached new levels never imagined by the average person. Simply wanting to eat only natural food and not take in any known toxins into your body of any kind (above and beyond vaccines), according to CIA’s mainstream media and government, is enough to get you labeled as a conspiracy theorist nut.

Yes, we are finally reaching a point in history where it is almost officially impossible to not be a conspiracy theorist unless you agree to being poisoned! This is what happens when a state who has open plans for a new world order and massive stated depopulation goals can control reality with their ministry of truth propaganda media.

If there is anything good to take from all this it is that with stupid moves like this the corporate media will hopefully turn more and more people against it. Obviously everyone wants to live a happy, healthy life. Why would we not? If there is even a tiny chance that genetically modified foods and vaccines with known toxins in them could harm you, why would we not want to exercise our own personal judgment on whether or not we want this for our kids, our loved ones and ourselves??

Reason for hope

The pure insanity of the new world order psychopaths is truly upon us and we are seeing them in action in real-time. So many of us are awake and we all know we will never go along with any of this monkey business. Our duty is, therefore, to continue waking up as many people as possible. Our voices are strong and getting stronger every day, while their voices (the mainstream media) are dying.

Spread the word, tell your family and friends that they are all “conspiracy theorists” if they believe in health. Let’s make sure this is the (hopefully) final Intelligence blunder of the globalists. The blunder of thinking they could take over our own bodies, tell us what to eat and even what to inject into our own bodies. Hopefully the magnitude of this personal psychological insult will be the final straw to break the new world order’s back.

Hopefully humanity is observing, reading, learning and taking notes. We are all now getting a blueprint for tyranny. We’ve seen all the steps in slow motion. We now know all their moves. Let’s take advantage of this bold yet ridiculous expansion of “conspiracy theorist” and see how far we can take the awakening process this time. Most important of all, let’s not forget that this battle of information does have an ending date. Perhaps this is the beginning of the end for the Orwellian empire of deceit that seeks permanent world power.

Bernie Suarez is an activist, critical thinker, radio host, musician, M.D, Veteran, lover of freedom and the Constitution, and creator of the Truth and Art TV project, where this first appeared. He also has a background in psychology and highly recommends that everyone watch a documentary titled The Century of the Self. Bernie has concluded that the way to defeat the New World Order is to truly be the change that you want to see. Manifesting the solution and putting truth into action is the very thing that will defeat the globalists.



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