Posted on Aug 23, 2023
A Second 9-11? I Pet Goat II Predictive Programming. Logic Before Authority 8-22-2023
A Warning to Remember the 23rd of September.
“Trump’s Fear ” I Pet Goat II NYC, Philly & DC Destruction Decode II – Be Warned Again…
Ezekiel Diet Note: Why is September associated with doom? And why is there so much speculation every year about what this September will bring? Here’s the reason why below the last supper image.
Klaus Schwab may have his promised Great Reset. But God has His own Great Reset that Christians expect to start in September. Could it be this September?
In fact we should be so close that it’s like we’re sitting in the theater waiting for the curtain to rise, musicians are tuning their instruments because the opening act is about to start.
It’s an exciting time to be alive on plane(t) earth. If you’re unaware of all this then you’re like the foolish unprepared virgins in Matthew 25 with no oil in their lamps. The oil in the lamp is symbolic of the Holy Spirit. Having oil in your lamp symbolizes that you have the Holy Spirit and you’re a true believer. If you’re unaware of all this then you should be frantically trying to find your oil. The train could be leaving the station next month.

Who doesn’t love feasts? God gave the people feasts they could enjoy before him. Indeed, God commanded the Israelites to gather together at seven sacred assemblies every year involving feasts. Leviticus 23 describes them:
Passover (verse 5) fulfilled
Feast of Unleavened Bread (6-8) fulfilled
Feast of First Fruits (9-14) fulfilled
Feast of Weeks (15-22) fulfilled
Feast of Trumpets (23-25)
Day of Atonement (26-32)
Feast of Booths (33-43)
The people gathered at the tabernacle (later, the temple). Not only did these festivals ensure that people remembered God’s mighty works, but they pointed to something significant about Jesus. In fact, Jesus fulfilled the first four on holy days!
What do I mean by “fulfilled”?
The apostle Paul wrote that the festivals “are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ” (Colossians 2:16-17). In other words, the feasts and what they commemorated foreshadowed some reality about Jesus. Thus, Jesus fulfilled the feasts when he completed that which they foreshadowed.
With that in mind, let’s look at the four holy days Jesus fulfilled and then consider the three he didn’t fulfill—and why.
Portion edited. See the source:
The Three Feasts Jesus Has Not Fulfilled
The seventh month of the year held three more celebrations, and their final fulfillments are yet to come. For Jesus said, “I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also” (John 14:3).
5) Feast of Trumpets: Rosh HaShanah
Tishri 1 (sunset September 6 to sunset September 7, 2021)
The Feast of Trumpets celebrates God’s providence. Trumpets call people to gather before God in rest from all harvests, including grapes and citrus. Priests blew trumpets from morning to night. This feast began a time of spiritual renewal.
6) Day of Atonement: Yom Kippur
Tishri 10 (September 16)
The Feast of Trumpets was followed by the Hebrews’ holiest day of the year, the Day of Atonement. This was not a feast, but prepared the people spiritually for the feasts to come.
On this day, the people prepared themselves by ceasing all work, fasting, denying themselves comforts, and confessing and repenting from sins. Meanwhile, the high priest presented sacrifices to cleanse the people and all the holy things from the year’s accumulated defilement of sin. He also took two goats and sacrificed one to make atonement for sin. Then he laid his hands on the head of the other, confessed the people’s sins, and sent the goat into the wilderness as a sign that their sins had been carried away.
Jesus’s Future Feasts Fulfillment
In Jesus’s first coming, he atoned for sin on the cross, completing the work of the first goat. But the Judgment follows his second coming, after which he will remove all sin and causes of sin, fulfilling what the second goat pointed to (Matthew 13:41; Revelation 20:10-15). What the Day of Atonement pointed to will be fully and finally complete.
7) Feast of Booths: Sukkot
Tishri 15-22 (September 21-28, 2021)
The Feast of Booths celebrates the journey to and arrival in the promised land. It was the final festival of the year and provided another week of feasts. The people brought fruit and tree branches to rejoice before the Lord. For seven days, they dwelt in temporary booths constructed from branches. This commemorated the Lord’s good care as the Hebrews journeyed through the desert. Then on the eighth day, they entered homes, commemorating arrival in the promised land.