Hoodia Gordonii to Suppress Appetite – Hype or Help?

by EzekielDiet.com
Posted on Apr 10, 2017

What did I do about food cravings in the early weeks of changing my diet?

I’ve used numerous weight loss systems through the years. Like HerbaLife, I didn’t sell it, but it helped me lose 30 to 40 extra pounds every 3 or 4 years.  The problem was when you stop using it the results slowly disappear. I learned it was a good way to detox and clean and flush the body out every few years.

HerbaLife proved to me, based on my own personal experience,  that there are herbal products available that will make the process of losing weight a bit easier.

I listened to a radio program called Duke and the Doctor where Jan McBarron, M.D. was talking about Hoodia as a way to deal with hunger and food cravings while trying to lose weight.  I tried it and it seemed to help me transition into this new system of eating. It’s not a weight loss miracle pill, but I’m reasonably sure I was buying a brand with pure ingredients. I took it mid morning and mid afternoon.

I understand Hoodia is not a stimulant so it doesn’t work on your nervous system like phen phen or ephedra. It somehow works on the the part of the brain that controls appetite and cravings.

I’ve read reports about blind studies where the group taking Hoodia actually consumed 1,000 less calories a day than the controlled group using a placebo.

Here’s a short 60 Minutes clip where Lesley Stahl explores the Kalahari Desert of Africa for its unique Hoodia plant – a possible breakthrough against obesity.

Here’s a short YouTube Video where Katie Couric is interviewing Madelyn Fernstrom on NBC News Today that seems to be balanced:

Here’s another Good article regarding some of the pros and cons of Hoodia and the problem of counterfeit Hoodia flooding the market.

Hoodia article:  http://www.naturalnews.com/020167_hoodia_gordonii_diet_pills.html

Do your own research, talk to your own physician, and find a product you can be reasonably sure is pure. Shop brands on the Internet as the pricing is all over the board but there are some really good deals on pure Hoodia if you spend a few minutes searching.

By the way, I don’t sell supplements and have no motive other than telling you what helped me.

Brands that consistently test pure: Dessert Burn, and Hoodia Pure. Hoodia Hoodia also tested pure but I’m not sure it’s still on the market by the same name.


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