Outside the Birdcage: The Zionist Plan To Destroy The World Revealed

by EzekielDiet.com
Posted on Feb 03, 2025

All the primary sources which prove that Netanyahu is following a genocidal script written into the Old Testament, Talmud, Midrash, Sefer Zerubbabel, Zohar, Yalkut Shimoni and Rabbi Joseph Crooll’s The Fifth Empire to pit Iran and America against each other as if they were the Persian and Roman Empires.

Just as Persia destroyed the Babylonian Empire which ruined the first Temple and sent the Jews into 70 years of exile, the Kabbalists plan to use the Iranians to destroy the European descendants of the Romans who wrecked the second Temple and drove the Jews into the diaspora. Rome and Jerusalem cannot coexist (Megillah 6a).

Exposing the Zionist Kabbalah Agenda of Genocide through the influence of Chabad Lubavitch over Donald Trump and Jared Kushner, Vladimir Putin and Rabbi Berel Lazar, Benjamin Netanyahu and Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Joe Biden and Ron Klain.

The Kabbalah Agenda of Genocide has been hidden for centuries until recently. Pioneering researchers Christopher Jon Bjerknes and Adam Green expose how the priest class of the Torah, Talmud, and Zohar plagiarized Greek Cosmology.

This priest class perverted the knowledge of Greek Cosmology in order to justify the coming end times genocide of humanity while reserving Planet Earth for themselves, the self appointed chosen ones.

What can be described as insane madness to fulfill their agenda is playing itself out through the manipulation of institutions and world events such as the Federal Reserve Bank, Mutually Assured Nuclear Annihilation, JFK Assassination, 9/11, Political Infiltration, Covid Bio Weapon, Jeffrey Epstein, and Transhumanisn.

What could be dismissed as antisemitism and conspiracy theory can no longer be ignored. In order to know the future, one must know the past based on the religious motivations that drive the hidden ones behind those in power. It is said we live in a time when all shall be revealed. This is the time. The only way to prevent this dark agenda is to expose it!

CJB Books

Adam Green
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