The Columbus Moment 2022 – Ark To Paradise – Fleeing Protestant Persecution

Posted on Nov 20, 2021

Ezekiel Diet Note:  What did it take for the first Pilgrims to make the decision to sell everything and head out in search of a new world? They were the John Galts of the world. What happens to society when the top few percent of devout Protestant Christians leave and create a brain drain?

I can imagine a great book or mini series I would maybe title The Ark to Paradise 2022 loosely based on Atlas Shrugged. Five percent of society’s best and brightest Protestants in 2022 combine their wealth to buy older cruise ships for ten cents on the dollar. They provision them and head off to find one of these other land masses Admiral Richard E. Byrd opined about on television and in his diary before he was muzzled.

Their strategy would be to avoid the two possible land masses Admiral Byrd spoke about (both highlighted above in yellow). Admiral Byrd explained there was “an area the size of the United States beyond the pole, from the other side of the south pole, directly below middle America.”  This area is already settled by 3 generations of Nazis collaborating with demons for over 7 decades.

It would be an interesting series. What it took to keep these cruise ships operational as base camps retrofitted with nuclear power plants the size of a refrigerator completely self-contained. Hydroponics growing food inside the ship.

God opens up an inlet and allows the cruise ships to sail to a pristine, beautiful Paradise (red line in above image to this land mass). Beautiful mansions were everywhere vacant and waiting for them. Like a wealthy society just vanished and left all their stuff. Wait a minute, (insert scratched record sound effect) that’s God’s plan already. The inlet and the ark is Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross for you. The mansions have been promised as well.  It’s your ticket on the Ark to Paradise. Don’t miss it for the world.

Maybe a few Nazi demon inspired flying saucer attacks on the way where the Elysium crews take them out with EMP blasts from the ships.

It’s probably too much reality for the Powers That Be to allow in the mainstream. Netflix probably wouldn’t buy it because how do you add a few LGBT scenes in a Protestant themed story line. And a 110 pound feminist beautiful female Commander snapping orders to 200 pound lackey submissive men and occasionally kicking one across the room while punching two others out probably wouldn’t work either on Prime. Maybe a Roku original. : )

You could probably buy a couple cruise ships for filming cheap then sell them for scrap later.

Pay particular attention to 1.25 minutes on.

If you still believe the Jesuit lie that earth rotates at 1,037 mph and is hurdling through space at 66,660 mph  (convenient Satanic number) then all I can say is bless your heart.  You’re a bumpkin.

Explain a still pond. Explain the amazing time lapse star circle photos that never change. Explain why we never feel any turbulence spinning at over 1.35 times the speed of sound and rocketing through space at 87 times the speed of sound. Explain the Michelson-Morley experiment conclusions. Explain why airplanes don’t constantly adjust the nose downward for curvature. Explain curvature without a fish-eyed lens. Explain why military missile coordinates never adjust for curvature. Explain why rockets launched into space fly out of sight on a horizontal trajectory. Explain Apollo and the Van Allen Belt. Explain two way radio communication in 1969 from the moon (purported to be 252,088 miles away) using a few golf cart batteries. Explain tin can skinned Lunar Modules in the vacuum of space (think smashed flat can of tomato sauce). Explain jet propulsion in a vacuum. Please!

I really don’t care what you believe. Do your own research and disprove it, if you can.

Start at about 2 minutes to about 7:15.


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