The Gum Disease Conspiracy

Posted on Sep 02, 2018

EZ Diet Note:  I just got back from a dental cleaning today. I’ve never had much faith in my current dentist because of his mind-controlled views about the benefits of fluoride.  Of course every cleaning is a deep root cleaning today, there’s no money in simple cleanings. The big deal is measuring your “pockets”. It goes like this, normally two dental employees working together, one calling out the “pocket” depth, and one entering the data. Number 2 and 3 is good (healthy gums), 4, 5, 6 or higher is bad. So when you hear 4, 5, or 6 you should flinch, because you’re a new lifetime customer for every 3 month deep root cleanings. The hard sell is the hygienist ramming a spike between your teeth and gums measuring the pockets, she calls out … 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 6, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2  silence … we better call the dentist in, these 5s and 6s may mean we need to refer you to a Periodontist. So you wait, in comes Mr. Fluoride who starts explaining that when the Periodontist “flaps” the gums back they’ll be able to deal with these deeper pockets better than we can.  Excuse me … did you say “flap my gums back”, as in surgery? … “Yes” he says. I ask, is there anything I can do myself first before we start slicing, dicing, flapping, and stitching?  Mr. Fluoride says “No, nothing at all. These pockets are way too deep for you to reach with brushing and flossing. Once the Periodontist resolves these 5s and 6s we’ll schedule your deep root cleanings every 3 months for the rest of your life so we can “manage” your gum disease.” Cha Ching! That was a $110 exchange and a referral to the Periodontist. When  I got home I found this article below on Mercola’s site.  It’ll piss you off. Needless to say Mr. Fluoride is history. I’ll never go back. He’s a fool working the public with a profit motive. The disturbing thing here is most mind-numbed fluoride zombies will buy his BS hook line and sinker.

Let me summarize this wall of text:  For moderate to severe gum disease pockets the only solution is a Via-Jet or Water-Pik flushing daily with warm salt water. Once the infection is washed away and the gum disease begins to heal, the bone will follow suit. Then the saliva can return to being its God-intended healing fluid, rather than a sewage transmission fluid.  Only when this healing fluid state is achieved can cavities harden and remineralize.

That should piss you off sufficiently. Anybody ever shared that little tidbit with you? No, and the reason is because gum disease is big business.

Update:  Just 3 weeks after this exchange with Mr. Fluoride my gums are completely healed. Healthier than I can ever remember. No redness, no swelling, no bleeding.  I used a mixture of about a teaspoon of Himalayan sea salt with about a half teaspoon of powdered Vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) every night in warm water through the water pik. In the morning I use Spry non-fluoride Xylitol toothpaste. Once a day I swish (10 to 15 minutes) a tablespoon of either extra virgin organic coconut oil, or a teaspoon of local honey with crushed red peppers I get locally called Bee Stinger Honey. The crushed red pepper has a slight burning effect on my gums, the honey is a natural antibiotic.  I couldn’t be more pleased with the results. Especially when the alternative was “flapping my gums back”.


The Gum Disease Conspiracy

By the People’s Dental Association Network News – Issue 9

In a recent report published by the dental profession, the blame for so much gum disease was placed squarely on the country’s dentists. The headline of the report is: “Periodontal Disease in America: a Personal and National Tragedy.”

This recently published dental bulletin clearly states that, “almost all Americans, except the millions who already wear false teeth, have gum disease!”

The price tag for this disease is in the billions… mostly for extractions and false teeth. A 1980 survey by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services concluded that only 5% of dentists’ time is spent in attempting to treat gum disease and yet the majority of all teeth that are pulled (or fall out) are lost due totally to gum disease!

A study conducted by dental authorities in North Carolina states that: “Gum disease in America is “rampant” and in the last 14 years gum problems have “significantly worsened!”

Dr. John Ingle, a government dentist in Washington, stated in a 1975 health conference that: the insidious and painless nature of gum disease is “a personal and national tragedy”. The report goes on to say: “The general dental practitioners should be regarded as the pivotal elements in the broad scheme of preventive and therapeutic periodontal programming.”

By programming it would appear to mean teaching and or doing… However, in a survey done by Dr. A.B. Wade, he reports in the same publication that: “plaque scores and plaque control of dentists themselves were worse than those of patients.”

It becomes very obvious that the only way to solve this major health problem is for individuals to learn about the cause of this disease and to take action to stop or treat it themselves… dentists will never be able to do anything about it if they can’t stop gum disease in their own mouths!

Webster’s Dictionary defines conspire: to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act, or scheme or plot.

The current “National Tragedy”, as the profession calls it, is sufficient proof that: dentists are simply failing the public… Miserably!

The obvious conclusion is that a conspiracy does exist… the thing speaks for itself.

The astronomical increase in the cost of health care and the rapid rise of malpractice suits against doctors in this country and worldwide is further proof that something is wrong. The system is not working… Subsequent pages of this report will delve into the real problem and the only solution possible.

the diagnosis of the problem and its predictable solution is based on over 30 years of study, research and private practice of Dr. Robert O. Nara. Dr. Nara is the Founder of Oramedics International, the world’s only group dedicated to helping people AVOID disease rather than treating the results of the disease process with needles, knives, drugs, drilling, pulling and false teeth!

The dentists are to blame.

The Problem…

When any human being is faced with a problem, the first consideration in attempting to find a solution… is to thoroughly understand the problem. The biggest reason that gum disease is so widespread is that no one seems to understand the problem. The dentists certainly don’t, so how can the public be expected to know? The answer to that is self-education.

Here Are The Facts…

Fig.. 1Carefully examine Fig. 1. It shows a cross section of a tooth. The spongy looking material is the supportive bone that holds our teeth in place. The bone on the left of the tooth is shown as normal, on the right side it has deteriorated because of gum disease.

The gum tissue covers the bone and a thin layer of tissue fibers surround the tooth and attach the tooth to the bone (a velcro-like attachment).

Early in life, when the teeth first grow into our mouths a small crevice exists between the tooth and the gum tissue. In the healthy condition, this crevice is about 1 millimeter deep. Figure 1 shows an instrument called a pocket marker, inserted into the left side crevice.

The crevice on this side shows to be two to three millimeters deep. This condition is already unhealthy because bacterial waste products are causing inflammation of the tissue. This leads to infection and deep bone deterioration… this condition is shown on the right side of the tooth in Fig. 1.

The depth of the crevice or pocket on this side is seven or eight millimeters. This depth of pocket formation and bone loss is very severe, and if not arrested very soon will undoubtedly cause the tooth to be lost.

For many years dentists have been telling the public to brush twice a day, floss once a day, see them for scraping of the teeth every six months and everything will be all right. Millions of Americans have been following these orders, only to be told after a few years that…

NOW they have gum disease and need to see a gum specialist for surgery. This means cutting away the diseased gums so the process can start all over again. This is a painful, expensive merry-go-round that leads to false teeth. This whole “personal and national” tragedy continues for only one reason: It’s very profitable to the dental profession. A well-known Michigan gum specialist has bragged for years that he makes over a million dollars a year on gum surgery and related treatments. Since the automobile industry has instigated such elaborate dental insurance, his “take” must have doubled or tripled by now!

The irony of the whole situation is that, if armed with the right knowledge, and if motivated to take action, with the proper instruments, anyone can rid the mouth of the offending microscopic little bastards. An enthusiastic user of the methods recently wrote,

“They told me my pockets would have to be cut out, but they healed up by themselves.”
– B.P., Arletta, GA

It’s very simple. The mouth routinely harbors about 300 different varieties of bacteria, however it has been scientifically proven that the troublemakers are spirochetes, motile rods, and cocci. Reduce these “nasty” bugs below certain levels and…

The Body Heals Itself!

Once a person realizes how easy it is to understand the cause of gum disease, a little additional thinking then allows one to understand the decay process… the same mechanism applies here, only here it’s the acid part or the toxic waste products that eats holes in the teeth. The notches that many people have at the necks of some teeth are almost always caused by a build-up of toxic waste products below the gum line “before” the gums recede.

Dentists always want to blame the patients for improper tooth brushing… That’s not true. The notches and the receeding gums are both caused by the same problem. All doctors are alike; dentists, medical doctors, etc. When there are good results taking place they immediately take all the credit. When bad results are happening, they blame the patient!

When searching for an answer, while the origin of the problem is unknown, ALL potential solutions are at best… Guess Work.

… The Solution

The bottom line on the problem of gum disease is simply that the neck-of-the-tooth is not given proper attention. Dentists are directly to blame because they concentrate all of their efforts on the crowns of the teeth …they fill them, inlay them, bridge them, etc. That’s where the big money is! Therefore the public never learns that the main “trouble spot” is the crevice at the neck of the tooth. The solution lies in cleansing this crevice of the toxic waste products from harmful bacteria.

Early in life this can be accomplished with a toothbrush and Clean-Between, plus…a device to flush out the crevice. If some gum disease has set in so the crevice is rapidly becoming a crevasse then a “Special Tip” is required …the Special Tip squirts a stream of salt water that is much more directional than the ordinary tips.

If the disease is even more advanced, then more sophisticated tips and methods, and therapeutic rinses, may be necessary.

These self-help methods of controlling gum disease have been used successfully for over 20 years. The reason that the results are so dramatic is that this approach is aimed at stopping the cause of the problem . . . other methods are an attempt to control the symptoms.

One should be cautious however, in his thinking about these methods. The more severe the gum disease the more difficult these methods become. It may be necessary to retain the help of a dentist who has been specifically trained in helping people to help themselves. Doctor-dependent treatment such as gum surgery is rapidly being replaced with selfhelp methods aimed at eliminating the cause.

Intrinsic Factor

As a final consideration in understanding the etiology of gum disease, it is well to keep in mind that no two human beings are exactly alike. There is a wide variation of people’s resistive ability when it comes to fighting off gum disease.

In a large sample of people who’s general health would be considered good, a few would have such strong resistance that their gums and supportive bone stays healthy even if they were very neglectful of oral hygiene, eating habits, etc. Another small group would be highly prone to Sum deterioration even if they were very conscientious. A large group in the middle would suffer what might be called typical gum disease.

Also a certain number of people will suffer from what could be called “magnified” gum problems. Gum disease can be exacerbated by many conditions, including immunosupression, malnutrition, or other general debility, endocrine abnormalities, etc. Therefore anyone who has been using all the right methods of eliminating the cause of gum disease but still having problems, should analyze the possibility of some Intrinsic Factor that might be complicating the overall health picture.

Being treated medically fora variety of problems can also have side effects complicating the gum disease situation. For example, about 500 different commercially prepared drugs have side effects that can cause a reduction in the amount of saliva flow. Reduced salivary flow can have an extremely damaging effect on the gums and supportive bone. Some of the most common drugs that produce the dry mouth syndrome are:












One cannot be too careful when it comes to good nutrition. This is probably more important than any single factor. A 25 year empirical study has lead the staff at the People’s Dental Association to a determination of certain basic nutritional needs. It seems that those who’s gum tissue and bone stay healthy have been eating well and adding additional nutrients included in a “Defense Mechanism Formula”.

This 25 year empirical study has found that when lacking any of the nutrients in the “basic” … Defense Mechanism Formula, almost everyone will suffer some degree of gum and bone disease. Some people need a few additional nutrients over and above the Defense Mechanism Formula, which is a matter that requires individual investigation and decision. As with all dental and health matters, personal consul can be obtained by phone or otherwise from the People’s Dental Association.

Beneficial Rinses

Our American forefathers cured meat by soaking it in brine and hanging it up to dry. The primary function of the brine was to kill bacteria. Millions of people have helped to cure oral abscesses, gum boils, etc., by simply rinsing several times a day with warm salt water. The warm water along with the salt helps to pull “fluid” out of the gum tissue, therefore reducing swelling, alleviating pain, and killing harmful bacteria.

Warm salt water in an irrigating device means sudden death to millions of hostile bacteria…in gum line crevices and periodontal pockets! Brushing and cocci. flossing is simply not enough to Sick stop gum disease…that’s why so many people who followed their dentists advice still wound up with gum disease (infection).

For many years…almost 300 years, it was falsely believed that gum disease was caused by plaque in general. Therefore people who didn’t clean well could expect gum disease and those who cleaned well were protected…Wrong So is it any wonder that we have so many disillusioned people suffering an unwanted disease today?

About 10 years ago the light at the end of the tunnel began to appear. Research studies by Socransky at Forsyth Dental School in Boston, and by Loesche at the University of Michigan began to indicate that the cause of gum disease was much more “specific” than the old plaque theory. In fact, the new technology described at least five different types of gum disease based on the specific nasty bugs involved in the infectious process.

This new evidence is probably best understood by thinking of an old disease we all know and understand…”strep throat”. A reddened throat, inflamed, and infected by betahemolytic streptococcl, and you have…”strep throat”. This is a very specific disease, with a very specific cause, and needs very specific treatment.

So it is with gum disease, seen in light of today’s knowledge. Gum disease is a very specific disease, with a specific cause, and needs specific treatment. The presence of plaque and tartar are only incidently related…they are NOT THE CAUSE! Healthy gums: gram-positive faculative rods and cocci-predominately Actinomyces species and streptococci.

Sick gums: gram- negative anaerobic rods primarily Bacteroids and Fusobacteria.

GI-aids:A diseased condition of the gum tissue characterized by lowering or reduction of the strength of the immune system to resist bacterial invasion of the gums, further manifested by an allergic-like reaction of the supportive jawbone to the toxic waste products produced by the bacteria. This progressive deterioration of supportive bone Is a very insidious disease. This disintegration of the bone results in such a sea of pus and infection that it encapsulates the teeth and destroys them.

As previously mentioned warm salt water used in an irrigating device is probably the best all around protection when one wants to rinse away toxic waste products produced by harmful bacteria. It cannot be stressed enough that brushing and flossing are not enough!

For situations where the gum disease is more advanced, the therapeutic rinse of choice is sanguanaria extract (SaE). For many centuries various herbs have been used to help create oral health. Sanguinaria, a herbal extract, is an example of a beneficial rinse used for centuries by native cultures. It is a well recognized homeopathic remedy. The extract is principally a mixture of benzophenathridine alkaloids, the chief constituent alkaloid being sanguinarine (Sa).

It seems very strange that in many cases native cultures using herbal methods were able to accomplish a much higher degree of health than so called Modern Medicine. The reader has probably learned of many other – personal examples in their own lives.

The only significant factor in today’s world are the irrigating devices… These undoubtedly have a beneficial effect in delivering the salt water or Sanguinaria extract to the right spot… the neck of the tooth, namely the gum crevis around the neck of the tooth.

This no-man’s-land of trouble, the neck of the tooth must be brought to the public’s attention so that they… the people can take over and solve this problem. Those who are waiting for dentists to “carry the banner”… will have a long wait. Most teeth won’t last that long. Now is the time for people to take charge of their own dental destiny.

How To Eliminate The Dentist From Your Life… Using Self – Help Methods

Life’s most valuable asset is health… and yet in today’s world it is frequently valued only after it is lost. Very few people today have escaped the problems of dental cavities and gum infection. The few who are totally free of gum disease, no cavities, no fillings, and no gum problems at all enjoy common ingredients in their health picture.

Good nutrition is a key factor among the group who enjoy freedom from any dental problems. Teeth, like bones, are made up of primarily calcium and phosphorus. Individuals who, at any time in their lives have been shortchanged of these two valuable elements in their diet, will most likely suffer adverse dental effects… soft teeth, weak bone support for the roots, etc. The saliva that is produced for us by glands in and around the moth contains calcium and phosporus in solution, along with various enzymes.

The calcium and phosphorus ions help to keep teeth strong by depositing themselves in the outer layers of the teeth. Therefore, under the “right conditions”, teeth are constantly being hardened or mineralized.

This condition is a factor enjoyed by all “decay immune” people. Those experiencing decay can, if they so choose, reverse the decay process (demineralization) and bring about remineralization, thereby eliminating the need for drilling and filling, or pulling of the teeth.

Sound too good to be true? Not really if you possess the proper KNOWLEDGE, and are willing to take ACTION.

Many people simply do not know exactly how teeth and gums get into trouble, so if one lacks knowledge, it’s possible to take corrective action.
SOLUTIONS do not come to those who do not understand the problem.
Teeth and supportive jawbones are weakened by improper nutrition, or by toxic waste products produced by bacterial colonies collecting within the mouth. The toxic waste products raise havoc with the calcium and phosphorus of the teeth and they cause inflammation of the gums.

Cavities appear in areas of greater concentrations of the acid-like waste products and if inflammation of the gums is allowed to persist for any length of time, it leads to infection of the gums.
Loose, puffy gums is the next step in the deteriorization process.

Prolonged loosening, flabby gums, destroy the connective fibers that hold our gums tight to teeth and bone. Then a space develops between the neck of the tooth and encircling gum tissue. This “abnormal” space is commonly called a pocket. As the space (pocket) deepens, it then erodes away the bone that holds the teeth in place. This is commonly referred to as pyorrhea.

More teeth are lost due to pyorrhea than due to decay. About 98% of all Americans have at least some areas of diseased gum tissue in their mouths, over half of these are also experiencing a progressive “bone loss”.

Fortunately, cavities and pyorrhea (gum disease and bone loss) are both 100% preventible and both are reversible.

Most health oriented people these days know a good diet from a bad one. The so-called “secrets of nutrition” are really NOT secret at all to the nutrition conscious individuals who care about themselves and their minds and bodies. The building blocks of all body tissues are similar.

A diet lacking in essential elements will suffer consequences throughout the body, not just in one organ or tissue. The building blocks of both teeth and bone are calcium and phosphorus, but shortages of these two ingredients will cause other problems as well.

Those who enjoy good nutrition but still suffer dental problems are generally suffering the ravages of toxic waste products stemming from an overabundance of bacterial colonies within the mouth.

For many people brushing and flossing is not enough to completely control dental problems, especially those who have already developed pockets at the necks of the teeth. conventional cleaning is simply not enough to rid the mouth of the toxic waste products responsible for all the trouble.

For years dentists and gum tissue specialists have recommended gum and bone surgery to cut away loose, flabby gums and infected bone. Supposedly after healing, the mouth can then be “again” kept clean by brushing and flossing. this is seldom the case, however, and most people wind up in the same condition in a short time and are told that surgery is necessary again and again.

The reason for this is that the real “cause” of the problem is not being attacked. a “cut job” is not the solution to the problem. The solution is hidden in a common sense approach to eliminating the toxic waste products; a solution, by the way, recommended by Dr. Levi S. Parmly in a book; “A Practical Guide To The Management Of The Teeth”, published in 1819!

Most schools of thought today give Dr. Parmly credit for being the first dentist (scientist?) to discover and report the real cause of cavities and gum infection. The majority of the American public lack this KNOWLEDGE, therefore cannot take ACTION.

Once pockets form (98% of Americans have early, moderate or severe pocket formation), brushing and flossing alone cannot remove toxic waste products from these “below the gum line spaces”. The only way known to accomplish this flushing away of the disease-producing toxins is by use of an oral irrigator, i.e. Via-jet or Water Pik. If the pockets are shallow, the regular Via-jet or Water Pik Tip is adequate. If the pockets have become moderate (even in limited areas), then a “Special Tip” or elongated directional (cannulae) tip is necessary.

When the toxic waste products that are being trapped in “below the gum line spaces” are flushed out daily with warm salt water, the body’s normal reparative processes set in and heal the diseased gum tissue. In most cases, once the gum disease begins to heal, the bone follows suit, growing back new bone where it’s been lost and tightening up loose, wobbly teeth (self-help healing of pyorrhea).

In mouths where bacteria toxins run high, the decay process is also represented, so by eliminating the bacterial waste products from the teeth and gums the decay process stops, as well as gums and bone healing.

The saliva can then return to its God-intended condition of healing fluid rather than a sewage-transmission fluid. Only when this “healing fluid” state is acheived can cavities harden (remineralize). When toxic waste products abound, everything gets worse, not better. The human body normally produces approximately one quart of saliva each day. When this saliva exists under such environmental conditions to be in the “healing fluid” state, then and only then will:

Cavities heal (remineralize)
Gums heal (rejuvinate)
Bone heals (tightening up loose teeth)

NOTE: When the saliva is of “healing fluid ability” an interesting phenomenon occurs: the calculus or tarter that builds up on teeth (deposited) is slowly dissolved, eliminating the need for painful and expensive scraping of the teeth by the dentist or dental hygenist.

Purifying the saliva and mouth can be speeded up today with new “state of the art” products. A rinse of a solution of highly concentrated calcium and phosphorus ions (with a remineralizing catalist) has recently been developed by a biochemical company here in this country.

To combat the build-up of bacterial colonies (producers of toxic waste products) a new teeth cleaning substance has been developed to retard the bacterial colonies from growing in the first place. Yet another rinse is available to kill off high concentrations of bacteria when a saliva test has shown them to be excessively high.

It is important to note here that the 2% of the public who are immune to cavities and gum problems, do not need these products, and diligent and effective removal of all bacterial colonies will, in time, produce the same beneficial effects. These products are only intended to hasten the process in cases where conditions are considered moderate to severe.

The People’s Dental Association PDA NETWORK NEWS Issue 7


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