What Must I Do To Be Saved? World Video Bible School (WVBS)

by EzekielDiet.com
Posted on Nov 16, 2016

EZ Diet Editor:  The Baptism step #5 in the following video may be controversial to some.  Even to me, but it should be included.  It’s too important to leave it out. Especially as a public profession of faith. But immersing oneself in the living water of the Word also changes people.

What must I do to be saved? The answer to this question has implications both now and for eternity. Sadly, wrong answers are being given all the time. In this study, Don Blackwell opens the Bible and shares with us God’s answer to this question. It is a simple, straight-forward study done in a kind and loving manner. With a question of this magnitude, you cannot afford to be wrong. Won’t you join us for this vital study?

If you would like to ask a question about the material presented in this video, please submit your questions to us through the following form: https://video.wvbs.org/contact/video/…


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