Revelation part 2 Preterist Idealist View (Rev. 1:1-3)

Posted on Dec 03, 2023

Thomas Akers teaches Part 2 on the Preterist view of Revelation. Please watch Part 1 prior to watching this video. In this video, terms wills discussed like Eschatology, Hermeneutics, Exegesis, Antichrist, Tribulation, Rapture and Second Coming. Revelation’s types of literature: Epistle, Prophesy, and it’s Multiple Genres. This video includes the instructions for the book of Revelation and how vital they are to the interpretation of Revelation to escape being a “Barking Dog Person.” The word “signified” and how the numbers in Revelation are not to be taken literal. How the Old and New Testament show examples of figurative language. Preterism, Idealism, Futurism, Historicism. You can discover more videos and information about Thomas Akers at: If you are interested, please subscribe to our channel: Scars For Thomas. 


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