Posted on Oct 20, 2023

Ezekiel Diet Note:  Keep in mind this data in the video and article below is already a year old. The numbers could be a third more by now.  The image above is approximately 5,000 people. I counted one small square and multiplied 13 squares high and 19 squares wide.

To get the magnitude of this vaccine death carnage multiply the 5,000 lives in the image above by 4,000 more to get to 20 million people dead; approximately 18,264 people a day (4 images) everyday for 3 years 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Multiply the 5,000 lives in the image above 440,000 times to represent 2.2 billion vaccine injured; approximately 2 million injuries a day for 3 years. Nothing in history comes close to comparing to this carnage.

Look at each dot that represents a face in this image and think about  the grief and carnage caused by each death or injury to the family and friends around each one.

Consider also that most of these people not only lost their life they also lost their opportunity to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and eternal life through His finished work on the cross. Just short-circuited into hell like some huge Jesuit fantasy space ship cargo door opens and 18,264 people get jettisoned to their deaths screaming and crying like so much inconvenient human garbage. Everyday. Wrap your mind around that if you can.

At this rate (18,264 a day dead or 6.666 million a year) it would still take 1,125 years to murder 7.5 billion people. There must be an event (like frequency intervals from 5G towers, deadly viruses in the water supply, war, starvation) coming on the horizon that will accelerate these numbers. However the 2.2 billion injured most likely have reduced lifespans and are most likely aging rapidly with no symptoms until sudden death.

They’ve certainly come up with a much more civilized way to kill and dispose of millions. Rounding people up, prison camps, gas chambers, mass graves and furnaces is particularly messy and embarrassing when exposed. It’s obviously much better to poison you and send you home for the family to dispose of the body.

Maybe this is all God’s retribution for the 73 million abortions worldwide every year.  Maybe God is letting the world reap what they’ve sown for a while. Lives cut short in sudden death events because they too have become “inconvenient” to someone. Once you allow murder because life is inconvenient, then you too could be labeled “inconvenient”, as we’re witnessing.

Maybe it’s also God’s retribution to allow 2.2 billion to be injured by the vaccine. For decades we’ve all stood by and allowed eugenics, big pharma Rx & vaccine damage, physician & hospital skulduggery, harmful processed food additives, geoengineering spraying us like bugs and fluoride in the water; all designed to damage and maim millions or even billions. Maybe we are reaping what we’ve sown by the billions.

These two verses have become particularly relevant in 2023.

Matthew 24:22 – “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”

Luke 21:28 – “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”

Experts estimate 20 million are already dead due to COVID Vaccination & over 2 billion injured

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Peeling back the layers of deception and obfuscation reveals a shocking truth that may not be all that shocking to our informed readers: Covid-19 “vaccines” are injuring and killing far more people than the government is letting on.

Estimates compiled from pieced-together data suggest that as many as 20 million people worldwide have died so far from the shots, while another 2.2 billion have suffered injuries – and we are only just getting started.

“Add the EUDRA and VAERS adverse event data on deaths and “events” together, multiply by an under-reporting factor of 40, globalize the EU+US one-eighth share of 12.5 billion global doses.

VAERS (take only the US data) 13,972 deaths and 854,084 adverse reactions to 5 August 2022

VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 8/5/2022 – VAERS Analysis

EUDRA (ignore the headline and scoot to the first image on the landing page) 46,999 deaths and 4,731,833 injuries

76,789 Deaths 6,089,773 Injuries Reported in U.S. and European Databases Following COVID-19 Vaccines – Vaccine Impact

Number of US injections = around 600m (increased to 608 million in the last few weeks)

CDC COVID Data Tracker: Vaccinations in the US

Number of EU injections = around 900m (increased to 915 million in the last few weeks)

Number of global injections = around 12 billion (increased to 12.5 billion in the last few weeks)

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations – Our World in Data

The Lazarus Report showing less than one in 100 vaccination injuries are reported – see page 6 of 7 that states –

“..fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health.”

Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS) (

Using a one in 100 under-reporting factor (URF) would make the injections horribly deadly and injurious (1.4 million deaths and 85 million injuries for the 600 million doses administered).

A more recent attempt at estimating the URF is around 40, here:

Determining the VAERS Under-Reporting Multiplier (

So, EU+US deaths = 13,972 + 46,999 = 60,971 deaths

and EU+US injuries = 854,084 + 6,089,773 = 6,943,857 (multiple per person, half of which are “serious”).

Multiply by 40 for URF and then by 8 to “globalize”

Global deaths are around 19.5 million SO FAR and global injuries are around 2.2 billion.

In the coming months and years, these figures will balloon even higher as lingering spike proteins progressively damage the bodies of the “fully vaccinated,” leaving them prone not only to every illness that comes along (autoimmune disease) but also to deadly clots (i.e., myocarditis and pericarditis).

It requires a bit of digging to come up with the aforementioned figures as governments work overtime to keep all pertinent data hidden, or at least confusing. The way post-injection injuries and deaths are calculated varies from country to country and even from municipality to municipality, making it difficult to come up with accurate numbers.

The safety and effectiveness claims for the shots are also highly skewed, one way being how “cases” of the Fauci Flu are determined. All throughout the alleged pandemic, illnesses and deaths were falsely attributed to the “virus” so that later the injections could be framed as the “cure.”

In 2020 before the official launch of the vaccines, the annualized rate of covid “cases” was around 70 million – and keep in mind that the official definition of a “case” is still just as murky today as it was at the beginning of the “pandemic”.

Following the launch of Operation Warp Speed in the USA, the annualized number of Covid cases increased nearly fivefold to 330 million. The annualized mortality rate also increased from 1.7 million pre-Operation Warp Speed to 2.9 million post-Operation Warp Speed.

This is significant because it shows that the shots are not “saving lives” as is still being claimed. The opposite is actually true as many more people are getting sick and dying in the injection era.

“Rather than a 95% (or 91% in the trials) reduction in cases and deaths, there has been a 370% INCREASE in the annualized case rate,” writes Peter Halligan on his Substack. “Annualized Deaths have INCREASED by 180%.”

Halligan looked at data in the government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to come up with the 20 million dead and 2.2 billion injured figures. Since VAERS only captures a very small percentage of actual vaccine-related adverse events, Halligan extrapolated true figure estimates using multiplication.

The “butcher’s bill from the battlefield,” as he calls it, points to these figures being far more accurate than anything the government or Big Pharma are admitting. And were these figures to spread widely across the population, there would surely be a whole lot of angry folks with a lot of questions for the powers that be.



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