EZ Breakfast Ideas on the Ezekiel Diet

by EzekielDiet.com
Posted on Feb 19, 2015

2 eggs (140) grapefruit (100) Ezekiel Toast (80) = 320 calorie Ezekiel Diet weight loss breakfast7557aae7288c167bfc9743a936874a9d

2 eggs (140) vegetables (10) 2 Ezekiel Cinnamon Raisin w butter and organic jelly (220) strawberries (25) = 395 calorie Ezekiel Diet maintenance mode

3 slices Ezekiel Cinnamon Raisin toast with organic whipped butter and organic jelly/Apple butter without added sugar = 350 calorie Ezekiel Diet breakfast for weight loss (leave off butter -50 calories) or maintenance mode. And a quick meal when you don’t want to cook. Remember Ezekiel lived off this bread recipe, given to him by God, for 2 years in the dessert.

1/3 cup Quinoa Flakes (131) maple syrup (50) 2 tbsp toasted almonds (100) – 300 calorie weight loss meal on the Ezekiel Diet. Quinoa, like Ezekiel Bread also has  an excellent nutritional profile, it’s a great source of protein that  contains all 8 amino acids.

2 – 40 calorie Natures Own Honey Wheat (80) Vanilla Cinnamon (20) butter (20) cup cantaloupe (54) 1 egg (70) Walden Farms zero calorie syrup = 250 calorie weight loss on the Ezekiel Diet – use an extra egg/or Ezekiel Bread and real maple syrup or organic jelly in maintenance mode for 350 calories. This is the breakfast for those who use carbohydrates to regulate serotonin dumps.

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Top six reasons you should not skip breakfast

Tuesday, September 17, 2013 by: Yanjun
Tags: skipping breakfast, health benefits, mental focus

(NaturalNews) Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but many people skip this meal. In fact, studies have shown that less than 40 percent of Americans eat breakfast every day. Most people have very busy schedules, and that leaves little time to eat breakfast. However, you should try your best to eat a nutritious meal before you start your day. There are a number of benefits that you can reap from eating breakfast.

Below are some of those benefits:

Energy Boost
If you feel sluggish in the morning, then a nutritious breakfast can give you the energy that you need to get through your day. Fiber, vitamin C and vitamin D are just a few of the many nutrients that will help increase your energy level. Whole wheat toast with eggs and an orange is an example of a nutritious breakfast.

Help You Focus Better
It will be much easier for you to focus on work or school if your stomach is full. On the other hand, you will have a harder time focusing if you skip breakfast. When you are hungry, it is hard to think about anything else except for food.

Prevent You From Gaining Weight
Researchers have found that people who skip breakfast are more likely to be overweight. There was a study done that analyzed the dietary habits of 2,200 adolescents. The results of the study showed that the adolescents who ate breakfast on a regular basis were less likely to be overweight. The researchers also found that the subjects who ate breakfast were more likely to engage in physical activity on a regular basis.When you skip breakfast, you are much more likely to overeat during lunch and dinner. Additionally, you encourage your body to store calories when you skip breakfast.

Boost Your Metabolism
Your metabolism has a tendency to decrease when you go to sleep. Eating breakfast helps you jumpstart your metabolism. A faster metabolism will allow you to burn more calories throughout the day. That is another reason why regular breakfast eaters usually weigh less.

Help Decrease Your LDL Cholesterol
Your LDL cholesterol is better known as the “bad” type of cholesterol. LDL cholesterol builds up in your arteries and can increase your chances of developing heart disease. Studies have shown that eating breakfast regularly can help lower LDL cholesterol.

Prevent Heart Attacks
A new study done by Harvard School of Public Health has shown that people who skip breakfast may be at a greater risk for having a heart attack. The study involved 27,000 men who were between the ages of 45 and 82. The study lasted 16 years, and 1,600 of the men in the study suffered a heart attack. The researchers found that men who skipped breakfast were 27 percent more likely to develop heart disease. Skipping breakfast increases the risk of high cholesterol, obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes, which are all heart disease risk factors. Therefore, you may be able to reduce your risk of having a heart attack if you eat breakfast.

It is very important for you to make time for your morning meal. A healthy breakfast will increase your metabolism, boost your energy, help you focus and lower your bad cholesterol. It can also prevent you from gaining weight and reduce your risk of having a heart attack.

Sources for this article include:





About the author:
Yanjun is a health and nutrition writer with over 3 years of professional experience in the health and fitness industry. He”s a contributor to many premier source for health advice, fitness tips, and consumer reviews of nutritional supplements.

Top six reasons you should not skip breakfast

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/042084_skipping_breakfast_health_benefits_mental_focus.html#ixzz3SCtzDGwO


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