From the Fringe: No Jewish Race Today? – Modern Israel & Biblical Jews

Posted on Dec 09, 2023

Ezekiel Diet Note:  So, connecting the dots, I think I understand now:

Khazarian “Jews” occupy Israel by Rothschild decree;

Zionist controlled US Congress sending hundreds of billions in goyim tax dollars to defend the original Khazar homeland.

Threats to send US goyim military (cannon fodder) to fight for the Khazarian homeland.

It appears as though (my opinion) they’re contemplating the need for a new “Israel” because something is about to happen to the old “Israel”.

Excerpt below from:

Prologue—How Satan Used Fake Jews [Khazars] to Enslave the World for nearly 2,000 Years?!?

According to Wikipedia the Khazars “were a semi-nomadic Turkic people with a confederation of Turkic-speaking tribes that in the late 6th century CE established a major commercial empire covering the southeastern section of modern European Russia, southern Ukraine, Crimea and Kazakhstan.” *N.B.: Historically the ethnic Khazar empire extended to the beginning of the 2nd century (100 AD), not the late 6th century.

This multi-part essay will summarize the 2,000 year history of the Khazarian Mafia and how their simple but devastatingly evil tactics have enslaved the world in human slavery, child sex trafficking, debt-slavery, perpetual wars, famine, disease, democide, genocide and much, much more global wickedness.

This is an except from the full message, entitled “National Israel is NOT God’s People (Philippians 3:3)” given 10/22/23.

Do we have a duty to support National Israel? Is biblical prophecy being fulfilled right before our eyes? Should Christians side with Israel no matter what they do?

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