299 out of 300 Iranian Drones Shot Down? Really? Did you see them?

by EzekielDiet.com
Posted on Apr 15, 2024

Ezekiel Diet Note:  No real details just drama and theater. Just a story from the Mainstream Media (MSM) and the Mainstream Controlled Alternative Media (MAM) about “10 drones, no wait it’s 100 drones, no actually it’s 150 drones, okay the number of drones is 300, yeah 300 drones, we think. The US shot them all down but we can’t tell you how many or where.” Okay. This smacks of dumping Osama’s dead body in the ocean.

I find it odd that with an extensive history  of war mongering false flags no one is questioning this wild drone story. Up to 300 drones launched with great fanfare and warning, flying low and slow to create the perfect turkey shoot-down. I smell a false flag.  The story says 1 drone made it through with 1 bomb and 1 death. Chuckle. Really? Why isn’t someone in the alternative media calling foul or at least questioning whether there is any proof for these wild made-for-TV-allegations.

A recent interview clip with Trump comes to mind.  He claims he had a good working relationship with Iran. He cited an occasion where Iran gave him a heads up that Iranian missiles would be inbound (toward a US base or some target) but they would all land in the dessert, to just stand down. He explained they just needed a show of force in retaliation for their people and rather than escalate, we just let it go.

I also know an Iranian who tells me the US / Iran conflict is all theater and they’re working together and most Iranians know this as a matter of fact.


The Iranian Drone Story:

According to a report by Reuters, three U.S. officials have revealed that the U.S. military intercepted and shot down Iranian drone aircraft on Saturday.

However, they didn’t provide details about the number of drones shot down or the exact locations.


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