Outside the Birdcage: The Takeover and Secret Destiny of the USA

by EzekielDiet.com
Posted on Jan 08, 2024

Ezekiel Diet Note:  There seems to be a concerted effort in the alternative media to point fingers at the Zionist Jews and the Pilgrim’s Society for running the world. They have their place in finance, media, government and military; but they’re working for Rome.  Don’t forget all the Jesuit history and influence in every corner of the planet including the USA.

To access the links below please follow the Watch on YT link.

This Revelation Timeline Decoded Bible study guide video covers the secret destiny of the USA, which was founded to push the world into the One World Government.

Here’s a link to the Revelation Fulfillment Chart and Summary Study PDF’s:

Here’s a link to the Revelation Timeline Decoded playlist: • Revelation Timeline Decoded Bible Stu…

Here’s a link to get a copy of the Revelation Timeline Decoded book:

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