Michael S. Tyrrell – How I discovered healing musical tones hidden deep in ancient frequencies …

by EzekielDiet.com
Posted on Mar 09, 2016

Throughout our entire history, music has had the power to transform us spiritually and physically.

Here’s where you can listen to samples of the healing power of this incredible collection, right now:

Hear more healing frequencies on a YouTube mix of numerous Wholetones selections here:


Because as Longfellow pointed out…

Music is the universal language of mankind.

Now we’re discovering what the ancients have known for millennia – music also has the power to heal.

Native Americans have used music and chanting as way to treat and protect against disease.

In an article published by The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) in 2009, Dr. Assad Meymandi writes:

healing tonesAristotle knew the power of music could heal the sick

“Since ancient times, music has been recognized for its therapeutic value. Greek physicians used flutes, lyres, and zithers to heal their patients. They used vibration to aid in digestion, treat mental disturbance, and induce sleep. Aristotle (373–323 BCE), in his famous book De Anima, wrote that flute music could arouse strong emotions and purify the soul. Ancient Egyptians describe musical incantations for healing the sick.”

And so it goes in Biblical times with Zephaniah 3:17 – “He will rejoice over you with joyful songs!”

Today we’re discovering how we too can use music to heal, repair, and protect against disease.

In fact, a recent study by the UK-based Journal of Advanced Nursing has revealed some impressive findings…

They saw…

Chronic pain and other painful conditions reduced by up to 21% … depression by 25%

And more and more, music is being used in hospitals to soothe postoperative pain, lower blood pressure, and boost immunity.

The reason for this is because music can balance hormones, boost the release of endorphins, giving you a greater sense of peace … which could lead to faster recovery and give you more profound healing.

And that’s the reason I’m writing you today — to tell you…

How I discovered healing musical tones hidden deep in ancient frequencies …

And how these frequencies have recently led to testimonials of spontaneous healing.

Now I know what you may be thinking …

But no.

This is not some New Age, sit-in-a-circle-chanting “ohm” thing.

Not even close.

michael tyrrellI tuned my guitar to the healing frequency most people never heard

Because my story begins with simple frequencies … the same tones that make up the most powerful soundtracks and, in fact, all the music we hear … except these frequencies are different … and chances are you‘ve never heard them before.

My name is Michael Tyrrell and I’m a musician, author, and speaker with a clear purpose…

To share the 7 healing frequencies that I’ve found to bring transformation to people’s lives.

Let me give you a very quick background so you can follow along and see what I mean…

A frequency is just an everyday happening

Every time you speak your voice box vibrates and creates a frequency. When you form words your tongue vibrates and that’s a frequency too.

healing frequenciesKing David soothed King Saul with the healing sounds of his lyre

And I was given a very special gift that I’m going to share with you today … ancient frequencies I believe were played by King David himself – to heal and soothe King Saul in his time of depression.

Plus a whole lot more …

These ancient healing frequencies are so powerful, the Lord told me to create a product for you … so He could give these frequencies back to us – and everyone could experience their amazing power.

And although He created these beautiful sounds, they were kept hidden – locked away for over 3,000 years.

However, it’s so important that you join me with an open mind…

Why would you need an open mind?

Because I admit – this is some rather unusual information. Specifically a story about my mother that’s altogether unbelievable.

But it’s all true.

You’re going to completely understand the power I’m talking about … though they’re only frequencies – just like the ones your voice box and tongue make every day – these frequencies have the divine power to heal you.


We identify frequencies using a unit of measurement called the Hertz

Hertz measures sound as 1 vibrational cycle per second.

In ancient times, at least 7 of these frequencies were used to heal and protect …

And to make this simple, I’m going to give you 7 healing frequencies … recorded in 7 songs for the most miraculous listening experience you’ve ever enjoyed …

… I call it Wholetones: The Healing Frequency Music Project and I believe it’s the reason God has brought us together today. So I can tell you everything you need to know about this divine offering.

michael tyrrell

I hope you enjoy the following story. It comes straight from my heart. Remember… sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction!

Read more at:  https://wholetones.com/

Michael Tyrrell on the Hagmann Report.

Slide forward to 13 minutes to the start of the interview.

In case you missed it above, here’s where you can listen to samples and purchase the healing power of this incredible collection, right now:  https://wholetones.com/


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