Child Rape Slaves: “$50K for 5 Hours Fresh to $50 for 10 Minutes Half-Dead then Organ Harvesting”

Posted on Sep 10, 2024

Ezekiel Diet Note:  If Jim Houck’s title quote above is correct this means that the five children in the picture above would be worth between $10 to $20 million dollars. If this is true this will never stop.

Pray for the children. Pray that Donald Trump is elected so we can push back on this ongoing child nightmare horror show.

Jim Houck has 29 years in law enforcement under his belt and he’s extremely dialed in to what’s really going on with the invasion of the US border and it’s far, far darker and more evil than the normies are being told. Houck and Dr. Lee Vliet join me to discuss the stuff of absolute nightmares, and if Kamala Harris stays in the White House for another 4 years, The United States of America will be doomed.

NOTE: The Truth for Health Foundation does not support or oppose candidates for public office. Views expressed by our speakers are their personal opinions.


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