Dr. Stan Monteith with Dr. Jorge Flechas – Lack of Iodine is a Promoter of Cancer

by EzekielDiet.com
Posted on Aug 24, 2018

EZ Diet Note:  Another Classic Best Of Radio Liberty hosted by the late Dr. Stan Monteith from August 20, 2008. The information in this interview is as relevant today as it was a decade ago. I’ve been taking 12.5 mg of Iodoral brand iodine for at least a decade as a result of Dr. Stan Monteith’s recommendation.

A key quote from this interview:

The lack of iodine is a promoter of cancer.  Dr. Jorge Flechas


Dr. Flechas is the Medical Director of Flechas Family Practice in Hendersonville, N.C. In addition to family practice, Dr. Flechas’s subspecialities include Iodine Therapy for thyroid and breast disorders, natural hormone replacement for both men and women, and diagnosis and treatment of cardiac-related issues such as coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, and hypertension.

Dr. Flechas was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and is fluent in both English and Spanish. He majored in Physics at Southern Missionary College in Tennessee and achieved both his Doctorate in Medicine (1977) and his Masters Degree in Public Health (1979) from Loma Linda University in California.

Dr. Flechas has been in medical practice for 35 years. His experience and his devotion to the continual study of medicine allow him to diagnose and treat a wide variety of both common and not-so-common medical conditions. As an internationally sought-after speaker, Dr. Flechas regularly speaks at medical conferences.


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