What is The One Minute Cure by Madison Cavanaugh?

by EzekielDiet.com
Posted on Jan 13, 2019

Ezekiel Diet Note:  After doing extensive research on hydrogen peroxide therapy and listening to testimony after testimony of people who have been “cured” from cancer  and other dread diseases I’ve decided to try the therapy myself. While I don’t have a dread disease the benefits are numerous and also include repair, detox, parasite cleanse and even weight loss. Something is reducing my energy levels. I just started the protocol today with the main goal of increasing oxygen in my blood for a better immune system, health and energy level boost.

Update January 23, 2019: I’m 10 days into the protocol and up to 13 drops 3 times a day. My experience so far has been a slight runny nose like a cold and gastrointestinal issues with gas, a dull low-level upset stomach and loose stool. I believe these must be detox symptoms from what I’ve read. One noticeable difference is less appetite probably due to the slight stomach issues.

Only 35% Food Grade hydrogen peroxide is recommended for internal use. At this concentration, however, hydrogen peroxide is a very strong oxidizer and if not diluted, it can be extremely dangerous or even fatal.

35% Food Grade H202 must be:

1) handled carefully (direct contact will burn the skin–immediate flushing with water is recommended).

2) diluted properly before use.

3) stored safely and properly (after making a dilution the remainder should be stored tightly sealed in the freezer).

One of the most convenient methods of dispensing 35% H202 is from a small glass eye dropper bottle. These can be purchased at your local drugstore. Fill this with the 35% H202 and store the larger container in the freezer compartment of your refrigerator until more is needed. Store the eye dropper bottle in the refrigerator. The generally recommended dosage is outlined in the chart below. The drops are mixed with either 6 to 8 ounces of distilled water, juice, milk or even aloe vera juice or gel. (Don’t use chlorinated tap water to dilute the peroxide!)

Suggested Protocol

Day # -Number of Drops/ Times Per Day
1 – 3 / 3
2 – 4 / 3
3 – 5 / 3
4 – 6 / 3
5 – 7 / 3
6 – 8 / 3
7 – 9 / 3
8 – 10 / 3
9 – 11 / 3
10 – 12 / 3
11 – 13 / 3
12 – 14 / 3
13 – 15 / 3
14 – 16 / 3
15 – 17 / 3
16 – 18 / 3
17 – 19 / 3
18 – 20 / 3
19 – 21 / 3
20 – 22 / 3
21 – 23 / 3
22 – 24 / 3
23 – 25 / 3

Maintenance Dosage
In most situations after the above 21 day program, the amount of H202 can be tapered off gradually as follows:
25 drops once every other day for 1 week
25 drops once every third day for 2 weeks
25 drops once every fourth day for 3 weeks

This can then be reduced to between 5 and 15 drops per week based on how one feels. Those with more serious problems will often benefit from staying on 25 drops three times a day for one to three weeks, then tapering down to 25 drops two times daily until the problem is resolved (possibly as long as six months). Those with chronic systemic Candidiasis may need to start with 1 drop three times a day, then 2 drops three times a day before starting the above schedule. It is important that H202 be taken on an empty stomach. This is best accomplished by taking it either one hour before meals or three hours after meals. If there is food in the stomach, the reaction of H202 on any bacteria present may cause excess foaming, indigestion, and possibly even vomiting. Additionally, some animal research indicates that when H202 given orally combines with iron and small amounts of vitamin C in the stomach, hydroxyl radicals are created (J Inorg Biochem 89;35(1):55-69). The bleach-like aftertaste of H202 can be lessened by chewing one of the sugar-free cinnamon gums. Some individuals taking H202 immediately before bedtime have a difficult time getting to sleep. This is probably due to a sense of alertness triggered by an increase of oxygen at the cellular level. The oral dosage schedule is basically the same for all conditions. There are several points to keep in mind, however.

Some individuals may experience upset stomach. If this occurs it is recommended that one not stop the program, but rather remain at the current dosage level or reduce it to the previous level until the problem stops. (Some patients have been able to solve the nausea problem by taking three or four lecithin capsules at the same time they take the H202.) During the program it’s not uncommon to experience what is known as a healing crisis. As dead bacteria and toxins are released from your body it may temporarily exceed your capacity to eliminate them quickly enough. In some individuals this overload may cause fatigue, diarrhea, headaches, skin eruptions, cold or flu-like symptoms, and/or nausea. One should not discontinue using the peroxide to stop this cleansing. By continuing the program, toxins will clear the body sooner and this healing crisis will pass rather quickly.

If you are not already taking vitamin E and an acidophilus product, I recommend starting them before going on H202. Vitamin E can make more efficient use of any oxygen available and acidophilus will help re-establish the beneficial bacterial flora in the lower bowel and also help in the internal production of hydrogen peroxide.

Many people have reported that using Hydrogen Peroxide has had the ability to either lessen the effects of or treat the following ailments:

– Cuts, Scrapes and Open Sores – Apply Hydrogen Peroxide to open cuts and sores to kill any infection.
– Acne – Applied with a cotton swab it will dry up the acne. A moisturizer should be applied afterwards to restore some of the natural moisture of the skin as the Hydrogen Peroxide will dry out the area surrounding the acne.
– Mouthwash – A mild solution can be used as a mouthwash. This will kill bacteria that causes bad breath as well as help prevent Gingivitis. At the same time it will whiten your teeth.
– Remove Ear Wax – A weak solution put in your ear will help in the removal of hardened ear wax.
– Athletes Foot – You can use a spray bottle to apply to affected areas of the feet. This will kill the fungus causing the athletes feet.
– Colds, Flu – Gargling a weak solution will kill the germs causing these illnesses.

Ezekiel Diet Note: This cancer patient testimonial was very convincing.  It starts out slow and it’s just a guy in his kitchen. But listen to his story.  His message about product strength is important, many dealers (including all sellers on Amazon) are selling the “35% food grade hydrogen peroxide diluted to 12%”. Amazon doesn’t allow the resell of 35% food grade peroxide on their site.  You have to go direct to manufacturers to get the 35% that has not been diluted. In situations like the one below it can mean the difference in living and dying.


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