Chronic dehydration is the primary cause of pain and disease in the human body, expert says

Posted on Sep 06, 2016

by: Samantha Debbie

(NaturalNews) When basic human needs are ignored, illness and disease often ensue. This is the case with hydration; not consuming enough water can have dire and sometimes hidden consequences on our bodies.

Increasing your daily water intake can work wonders for your health. This is expanded on in the book Water Cures: Drugs Kill: How Water Cured Incurable Diseases, written by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D., who goes by the name of “Dr. B.”

“There is a medical breakthrough that is not reaching the public through our medical schools or health-maintenance organizations: the discovery that chronic unintentional dehydration is the primary cause of pain and disease in the human body, including cancer.”

“The reason these traditionally trusted institutions do not celebrate this scientific discovery and refuse to use it to help the sick and the uninsured poor in our society is obvious. There would be no money in it for them.”

Water shortages in the human body are often responsible for disease

“What we in medicine did not realize until very recently is the fact that the human body can become short of water inside its cells even when water is available, plentiful, and virtually free. Research tells us that numerous complications occur when the body is not properly hydrated and our cells become dry,” writes Dr. B.

“When the gradually dehydrating body begins to malfunction and manifest its water shortage, we label these symptoms and signs of the body’s regional and local drought as diseases or syndromes of unknown origin.”

“And since the discovery of DNA structure, we now blame genes for a patient’s health problems, obviously not realizing that when any cell begins to dry up and get damaged from inside, the nucleus in that cell, and its DNA structure, are not exempt from the process.”

After 22 years of research, the author learned the important connection between hydration and disease. However, when he shared that information with the medical community, they showed little interest.

Using water to cure disease isn’t lucrative for the healthcare industry

He proposed treating the body with water instead of harmful medications that often cause the patient damage. But doctors paid no mind to his suggestions, says Dr. B., adding that if patients knew their health problems were caused by a lack of water, doctors’ offices would witness a significant plummet in profits.

“For this reason, institutional doctors did not acknowledge this medical breakthrough. They gave it the silent treatment and forced me to take my information directly to the public.”

“Water is one of these elements that will be taken away from less active areas and used to maintain the consistency of blood, if sufficient amounts do not become available from external sources of supply, that is, from drinking.”

“Within the next few years most of these establishments are going to realize that the public will no longer be fooled by medical theatrics and jargon-protected treatment protocols. One by one, people will discover water as a primary medication for most of their health problems.”

Treating disease with water

“Twenty-two years ago I started treating peptic ulcer disease with water. In two years and seven months, I had successfully treated over 3000 cases.”

“I came away from that experience with the understanding that these people were really thirsty: That we in medicine had labeled one of the manifestations of thirst in the human body as a disease condition (particularly as a number of other conditions also responded to increased water intake),” writes Dr. B.

“My report of the treatment process was published as the editorial of the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology in June of 1983. I then set out to prove why these people were only thirsty.”

“In September of 1987 I presented the guest lecture of an international cancer conference under the title of ‘Pain: A Need for Paradigm Change’ and declared the ‘solutes-regulatory’ paradigm obsolete.”

“I explained that it is the ‘solvent’ that regulates all the physiological functions of the body. I explained that it is ‘chronic unintentional dehydration’ that is the etiology of pain and the degenerative diseases, including cancer: That all these conditions are the result of ‘system disturbance’ because of the missing action of water.”

“To prove my point of view, I had shown that histamine is actually a neurotransmitter in charge of water regulation and the drought management programs of the body.”

For more information on how to cure disease with water, pick up a copy of Dr. B’s book today.


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