When Female Carboholics Have Children

by EzekielDiet.com
Posted on Mar 27, 2015

Here’s something else to think about. When a female who uses carbohydrates, starches, and sugars to regulate serotonin (the ‘feel good’ brain chemical) has children, and she’s doing all the grocery shopping and cooking, the kids will end up fat and bloated.

Just another big “Bless Your Heart” party because these kids never have the option to figure out the problem and do anything about it. They’re just doomed to be fat and will probably never recover from the problem. I think we’re quickly approaching the day when everybody will be a “Bless Your Heart” candidate.

I probably have a bad habit of using baby boomer humor, or humor from the perspective of someone that grew up in the 50’s or 60s. But every time I look at this picture I think of Jackie Gleason’s “one of these days Alice” quip from that ancient program The Honeymooners. Maybe this is Jackie Gleason’s great grandson and an updated version would be “one of these days Alyson”.  : )

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