Raspberries prevent cancer, diabetes, obesity, and arthritis!

by EzekielDiet.com
Posted on May 31, 2019

By Lynn Griffith

As summer approaches, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries are becoming more abundant.  Whether you buy them at a store or market, or happen to have these plants in your yard, eating more of these delicious berries can do wonders for your health. Raspberries are a good source of vitamin C, manganese, and fiber.  They are also antioxidant powerhouses which can help the body protect and combat serious health concerns.  (1)

Raspberries are packed with manganese, fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants that can help fight chronic diseases!

If  you struggle with or have a family history of heart disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer, raspberries may help your body fight these diseases and improve or protect your health.

Six health improving benefits associated with raspberries!

Improve Cardiac Health: A study published in Scientific Reports reviewed immune responses and the efficacy associated with red raspberries ability to reduce chronic diseases.  The study found that anthocyanin found in raspberries provide anti-inflammatory benefits to the heart.  Raspberries showed to have the highest efficiency of releasing nitric oxide and improving blood flow.  In addition, polyphenols found in raspberries can help open the narrowed arteries associated with peripheral artery disease. (2)

Weight Loss:  Raspberries contain phytonutrients that help increase metabolism.  Rheosmin found in raspberries has been attributed to this benefit.  One study from the Center for Applied Health Sciences in Ohio followed 70 obese but otherwise healthy individuals.  In a double-blind experiment, individual were either assigned to supplement raspberry ketone, caffeine, capsaicin, garlic, ginger, or citrus aurantium.  After 8 weeks of supplementing raspberry ketone, exercise training and a calorie restricted diet, individuals  saw improvements in hip girth, waist circumference and body composition.(2)  Rheosmin works by increasing enzyme activity, oxygen consumption and heat production in certain types of fat, therefore decreasing obesity as well as the risk of fatty liver. (1)

Manage Diabetes:  Though raspberries are sweet, they are low on the glycemic index.  Their high fiber, low sugar profile make them a perfect food for those managing their blood sugar. (2)

Cancer Prevention:  Raspberries offer high levels of a tannin called ellagic acid.  Research from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center shows that ellagic acid may be able to prevent cancer formation.  A study from Ohio State University showed that anthocyanin found in black raspberries reduce tumors. (2)  The study found that black raspberries can help fight colon cancer. Rats were injected with a cancer causing agent and then fed a berry rich diet had 80 percent fewer malignant tumors compared to rats that did not receive a berry rich diet. (3)

Reduce Arthritis Pain:  Due to the anti-inflammatory benefits provided by raspberries, it has been found that regular consumption of raspberries can help reduce pain associated with arthritis.  A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reports that red raspberry fruit and extracts protect the cartilage in participants with arthritis.  Participants that consumed the fruit and extracts experienced a decrease in the degradation of protein, proteoglycan and type II collagen found in the joints. (2)

Age Fighting: Raspberries contain antioxidants that help fight free radical damage throughout the body.(2)  Research has also shown that organic raspberries contain a higher total antioxidant capacity than non-organic raspberries. (1)  Eating raspberries may give your skin the youthful glow you desire!

Raspberries make a wonder addition to your breakfast plate, or even make a perfect healthy treat for an after dinner dessert.  Whether you eat them plain, add them to a dish or make the perfect raspberry lemonade, it is important for the body to reap the many benefits provided by raspberries.

Sources included:

(1) http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=39

(2) http://draxe.com/raspberry-nutrition/

(3) https://researchnews.osu.edu/archive/brberry.htm

Source article:  http://blogs.naturalnews.com/raspberries-prevent-cancer-diabetes-obesity-arthritis/


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