GMOs And Their Irreversible Effects On Our Future

Posted on Sep 06, 2015

From Foods And Wildlife To INHUMAN Applications, We Have Entered The Final Stage Of The “Days Of Noah”

Agricultural Economist and scientist Chuck Benbrook has spent a good portion of his professional career studying the effects of agriculture, specifically GMO crops. In his 2012 study, “Impacts of genetically engineered crops on pesticide use in the U.S. — the first sixteen years,” he displays that the use of herbicides has increased dramatically since the inception of herbicide-tolerant varieties of corn and soy. This technology has led to a 527 million pound increase in herbicide use in the United States between 1996 and 2011. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) findings are similar. They indicate an increase from 20 million pounds in 1992 to more than 280 million pounds in 2012 […] Another little-known consequence of GMO technology is the effect it’s had on our seeds. Call it seed sovereignty or seed security. If people do not have the access and ability to save, breed and replant seeds, they have no real food security. Seed is the very basis of our food. When genetically modified entities are created, they are also patented by the companies that created them. In essence, those companies now own that specific life form. It becomes illegal to save, replant, cross breed or conduct research on those patented seeds and crops […]Another new and controversial genetic technology is a “genome-editing” technique called CRISPR. This technique lets researchers alter genetic sequences quickly and flexibly at will. One proposed use of CRISPR is to create ‘gene drives’ where a researcher creates genetic changes in an organism that is designed to more rapidly and deliberately spread through an entire population. In a few generations, much like a nuclear chain reaction, it is intended that the entire population of the species changes or can be wiped out entirely. The mutation is irreversible… (READ MORE)



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