Rush Limbaugh 2010: Socialism Nearly Killed The Pilgrims

Posted on Nov 24, 2023

Rush Limbaugh Tells the True Story of Thanksgiving

Alana Horowitz

And now, a tradition as American as pumpkin pie: Rush Limbaugh’s “true story of Thanksgiving.”

Remember the story of the first Thanksgiving? Well, according to the story that Limbaugh tells almost every year on his radio show, history books, your parents and all the best elementary school plays left out one crucial part: socialism.

Yes, the pilgrims came to Plymouth, Massachusetts to seek religious freedom and build a new home. But, as Limbaugh explains, their plan was almost scuttled when a social contract they’d made backfired.

The original contract the Pilgrims had entered into with their merchant sponsors in London called for everything they produced to go into a common store, and each member of the community was entitled to one common share. All of the land that they cleared and the houses they built belonged to the community as well. Now, they were going to distribute it equally; all the land they cleared, all the houses they built belonged to the community. Nobody owned anything. They just had a share in it. It was a commune.

The story comes from a book Limbaugh wrote in the 1994, “See, I Told You So”.

Limbaugh explains that the system disincentivized work ethic and “was as costly and destructive to the pilgrims as that first harsh winter.” It was soon abolished. Limbaugh warns countries “experimenting with socialism” that they ought to take a leaf from the pilgrims.

“It didn’t work, they nearly starved. It never has worked,” he says.

So this year, you can add capitalism to your long list of things to be thankful for.



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