Secrets and Strategies for Permanent Weight Loss

Posted on Jul 11, 2018

By Lionel Lionheart

Those in the know, know that there is more to dropping unwanted weight than simply starving yourself or burning fat through exercise. Certainly exercise will help you in many ways but it isn’t a magic bullet. Here I’d like to share some information on quick but sustainable weight loss that has worked for many of my clients over the years.

Energy Warehouse vs. Toxic Waste Dump

First, it should be understood that not all fat deposits are created equal. There is standard lipid storage–like the thin, evenly distributed protective padding healthy men will have beneath their skin, or the firm curves of a healthy woman–and then there are the lumps of fat and mucus that we’ll call “toxic waste confinement”(TWC). These are often concentrated around the waste-line, er, waistline. Normal body fat (lipid) is pretty much just stored energy. This stuff is generally not too difficult to work off or thin out by altering your caloric expenditures/intake. TWC, however, is a very different animal.

Your body will not self-destruct or harm itself unless you force it to. Accordingly, when you are swimming in toxins (polluted air, tainted water, adulterated food, stress by-products) and are too dehydrated and/or sleep-deprived to purge those toxins safely, the body will stop them from indefinitely circulating in order to protect your vital organs. It does this by taking toxins out of circulation, by tucking them away in fat or mucus. Just as we as a civilization tend to bury toxic waste and leave it undisturbed, the body prefers to do this also, unless the conditions for safe elimination are met. This neatly explains why some people can diet for weeks and workout until they vomit, yet never manage to shed the fat around their middle or the cellulite on their thighs. It also offers some insight on the creeping weight gain (a few more pounds, year after year) so many people experience. Another important thing to understand about TWC is that it is linked to diabetes, heart disease, and neurodegenerative conditions.

Detoxing for Weight Loss

To really give your systems a scrubbing, and keep off unwanted weight, you will need to make lifestyle changes and do a few well-planned detoxification programs. It is well worth doing, but more than most people can take on without support. Fortunately, there is a “beginner’s menu” that can still yield fantastic results. You’ll want to consult with a doctor before trying this but the majority of us will have a safe and effective experience.

Straight out of bed: 16oz water, juice of half a lemon (do not use bottled substitutes), 6 grams of chlorella (tablet or powder).

Midday meal: huge salad made with leafy green vegetables, carrot, radish, onion, cabbage, seeds, olive oil and vinegar, or coconut oil.
No meat, cheese, boiled egg, bread, fancy dressings on this!

Throughout the day: as much water (with or without lemon), whole grapefruit, and fresh organic grapefruit juice as you want or can stand. More than a gallon might be too much, FYI.

Evening meal: chocolate smoothie made with 2 cups leafy greens, 1 cup berries, 1/4 cup seeds, 1/4 cup nut butter (no peanuts please), 2-3 tbsp raw honey, and 2-3 tbsp cacao powder. Water or homemade nut/hemp milk as liquid base. Feel free to alter the ingredient measurements. This is a guideline, not a mandate.

To really see and feel results you’ll want to do this for 3 days, but even one day will be beneficial. You could begin with one day and do it again the following week for longer. Don’t be surprised if you end up using the bathroom far more than you think you should be, and be glad if you do; this is a sure sign of purging the toxic garbage you’ve been carting around! You’ll also probably find you have more energy and clearer skin after 3 days of this.

In Search of Permanence

For those who actually get up and do it, I want to say “congratulations” while gently pointing out that we’ve only scratched the surface. So many more amazing changes are possible, but to make them stick, you have to make some changes stick. Speaking from experience I can tell you that you won’t have to swear off all the “fun” foods in life but you will have to strike a balance with real, whole foods. You’ll also need to take actions to reduce your toxic load. Otherwise, in time you’ll simply refill those TWC zones in your body, and end up just as heavy and unhealthy as before!

I could not overstate the value of having a support system when making these kinds of changes. Sometimes family and friends can do the job, sometimes it’s more effective to seek out and hire a professional health coach. I encourage you to do whatever it takes because the benefits–including increased energy, improved ability to handle stress, and a healthier shape–will be worth the efforts.

Lionel is an author, speaker, health and wellness coach. His latest book, 5 Things You Can Do NOW, provides concise, powerful information on how you can get control of your health quickly and easily.


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