Outside the Birdcage: AJ’s Massive Solar Threat Fearmongering and the Alien Invasion

by EzekielDiet.com
Posted on May 13, 2024

Ezekiel Diet Note:  Please don’t believe your lying eyes. Anyone with a brain and any critical thinking skills left can clearly see the sun is not 92,955,807 miles from earth.  If the sun was almost 93 million miles away there’s no way you could see sun beam angles in the image above. If this is a lie then all this other conjecture is a lie as far as I’m concerned.

By the way, hold a straight edge across the water line in the photo above. What does that reveal? Do the same thing the next time you’re at the beach and can see miles in either direction. No curve. But hey, don’t believe your lying eyes. And Antarctica is an upside down island.

From my vantage point it struck me as very odd to hear Alex Jones and later Mike Adams breathlessly hyperventilating and fearmongering about an imminent incoming EMP type Carrington Event. Even after Oppenheimer Ranch Project caller (39 minutes, video below) tried to set him straight reporting this is not anything new or odd. It happens every 11 years and it’s a nothing-burger. Alex didn’t care, he went right back to rapid speak, hyperventilating fearmongering.

All throughout the show Alex flashed images of the earth from space using a fisheye lens to reinforce his heliocentric globe fallacy. It’s called persuasion through suggestion and this sun spot plasma storm gave him a new and fresh reason to reinforce his position with more persuasion through suggestion.

I had to chuckle at the SpaceWeatherNews shill, Ben Davidson reporting that one of our satellites a million miles from earth (not possible) has just registered the first plasma blasts. “We only have 25 to 30 minutes before it hits earth.” Please!  This all smacked of the infamous “War of the Worlds” broadcast.

Alex Jones has obviously been tasked with promoting the heliocentric globe earth lie to reinforce the coming alien invasion deception. He’s not in the short bus on this truth. He’s doing this for a reason. There’s way too much evidence to the contrary that’s well documented on this site.

If you don’t believe me, watch Alex at 1:33:30 minutes (video below) when confronted (in love) by caller Rick who asks Alex what he believes about demons and aliens. You can tell Alex is definitely uncomfortable with this alien/demon question.

Chase got a kick out of Alex’s quip: “One man’s demon is another man’s alien.” After that Alex looked like the kid that got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

It takes a decade of listening to Alex to figure out that he believes in space aliens, space travel, the heliocentric universes and earth globe lie, the Futurist position that pushes the antichrist into some future 7 year future period; all Jesuit inspired lies that lead to the final great deception… an alien invasion. In fact, the promotion of that list of Jesuit inspired lies would lead one to believe Alex is a Vatican Gatekeeper

And I’ll finish on this thought, it’s clear to me now that Alex knows the controllers will use a Carrington type EMP event to take down the power grid. He suspected it may be this event, but was wrong. His fear-mongering Friday makes it clear he knows it’s coming; he just doesn’t know when.


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