Keith Foster on the Health Benefits of C60 Charcoal

Posted on Jan 26, 2019

Keith Foster, Fellow of the Linnean Society of London, explains why the use of active C60 hardwood charcoal is so beneficial for human health.

A Brief History & Explanation of Charcoal & ‘Activated’ Charcoal

Charcoal is naturally active/adsorbent and has a long history of use as a filter, as an adsorbent, and as an antidote to poisons. Historical records of its use in these areas and others go far back into history as early as 1500 BC in Egypt. Hippocrates, circa 400 BC and then Pliny, AD 50 recorded the use of charcoal in a wide range of applications, and the principal use appears to have been to adsorb unpleasant odours, and gas/smells from within the intestinal tract. Traditionally, charcoal would have been made from wood or bones.

It has been used as a folk remedy as far back as recorded history. North American Indians used charcoal for the treatment of gas pains long before our forefathers went to that continent. Homeopathic physicians have used charcoal throughout the world for more than 200 years.

Carbo animalis (animal charcoal) and carbo vegetabilis or carbo ligni (wood charcoal) have been carried in the homeopathic pharmacopoeia of the United States with the description that these substances have “marked adsorptive power of gases.” Charcoal is rated in Category I (safe and effective) status by the FDA for acute toxic poisoning and is used similarly in the United Kingdom, Europe and throughout the world. Allergies to charcoal have not been reported and it is inexpensive, harmless, and easily used. Charcoal was an official remedy in the Pharmacopoeia for at least 100 years. However, it fell into general disuse in medicine following the rapid and phenomenal growth of the drug industry.

‘Activated’ (also known as medicinal) charcoal is new to mammals and our civilization. It was created initially for industrial use and commercial production of powdered activated carbon began in Europe in the early 19th century when it was widely used in the sugar industry. It is made from charcoal (using coconut shells primarily), which has been subjected to the man-made processes of extreme high temperature steam and acid washing, to produce super adsorbents. Its use in other applications spread rapidly when it was accidentally discovered that it was effective in decolourising liquids. Industrial scale production began in the early part of the 20th century and the products are known as PAC (powered activated carbon) or GAC (granular activated carbon). Both are highly super adsorbents and, depending on the raw material used (e.g. nut shells), some can be even more so.

Happy Tummy charcoal is made from hardwoods (sustainably sourced) and is naturally ‘active’ and adsorbent. It is not ‘activated’ and is the type of charcoal we and other mammals have evolved with over the millennia. Its long legacy and history of safe and benign use stands witness to its efficacy.

C60 Charcoal Capsules are available at:

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Here is a longer version with more information:


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