Academic explains how future humans could become ‘part organic, part mechanic cyborgs’

Posted on Jan 08, 2023

Ezekiel Diet Note:  This was originally posted on August 21, 2020. I’m moving it to the top because I believe all the pieces are now in place that are discussed by Dr. Group and Alex Jones in the video interview at the bottom of this post.

August 21, 2020 – I believe the reason the Mark of the Beast makes a person so unacceptable to God is  this Mark must change a human being into part organic, part mechanical cyborg without free will. Without free will to make a decision for Christ and eternal life you’ve stepped out of humanity where salvation is no longer an option. If you no longer control your mind and free will you’ve abdicated yourself to whoever or whatever controls your programming via 5G and the Internet of Things. Emphasis on “Things”. This could explain why everyone who takes this option gets the same punishment as Satan, fallen angels and demons in the Lake of Fire for eternity, Revelation 14:9-11, 20:10. Somehow the new 5G technology, Internet of Things, and the rush to get a “new” vaccine in everyone must be crucial to the new global plantation and the Mark of the Beast financial system. I can see how we’ve arrived at another pre-flood “days of Noah” problem/predicament that brings God’s wrath on earth, again. Then the return of Jesus Christ. Then a hard reset.


HUMANS could combine with artificial intelligence in the future to create “part organic, part mechanic cyborgs of sorts” according to Professor David J. Gunkel, an expert in robot ethics at Northern Illinois University in Chicago.


By James Bickerton 

Professor Gunkel argued the “actual legal standing” of robots has “not been decided”, but added this is likely to become a big issue in the next few decades. The academic added that in the future he expects “lots of contentious debate” over the extent to which humans should be allowed to augment their bodies with technology.

Speaking to Professor Gunkel said: “I would say right now we are already augmenting ourselves with artificial devices that increase our capacities and capabilities.

“We all carry them [mobile phones] around in our pockets or have them in our purses.

“That’s a kind of external memory device, an external brain, that augments our own cognitive abilities.

“I think the future is going to be not an us verses them, but an us and them.

“We work together and become this collaborative hybrid being that is part organic, part mechanic, a cyborg of sorts.

“At one time putting a pacemaker in your body would be considered weird by a lot of people and now it’s just standard practice.

“As more of this technology becomes acceptable and accessible that line will move in the direction of permitting greater augmentation within our bodies and less of us will be concerned about it.”

Professor Gunkel claimed the impact of developments in robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) over the past few decades on humans has been gradual.

He explained: “Science fiction sells us this image of the robot as being this humanoid thing that enters our world and may even endanger our world as you see in some of the more dramatic scenarios.

“I think in reality the incursion of robots into our world has been kind of like the fall of Rome. It’s not been dramatic.

“It’s been a slow incursion where everyday more and more autonomous type technologies take over more of our operation – some of the heavy lifting of decision making, recommendations, running various operations in our businesses and in our home life.”

Professor Gunkel is the author of a number of books including ‘Hacking Cyberspace’ and ’The Machine Question’.


Dr. Group 2018 Bombshell Interview on 5G, WiFi & Hybrid Human Cyborgs

Listen closely to Dr. Group & Alex Jones as they break down the dangers of 5G in this detailed interview.  This is one of the last interviews Dr. Group did on InfoWars. He exposes how a person can be converted to a hybrid human cyborg in between constant interruptions. Originally aired May 4, 2018. I see that red string kabbalah bracelet on Dr. Group’s right wrist. That takes his credibility down a few notches, if that’s what it is. It’s a blatant open statement to wear it on-air, so address it and tell us about it Group.

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