The Deception Chronicles: Flavius Josephus recorded the return of the Lord in 70AD

Posted on Jun 10, 2024

Ezekiel Diet Note:  I prayed this morning for clarity on Christ’s 1,000 year reign being history (70 AD to 1,070) and Satan’s little season. Finding these videos below, and the account associated with them, I believe is part of the answer to that prayer.

I always thought the great deception would be just the heliocentric lie, space travel and a subsequent alien (demon) invasion. I’m slowly adjusting that “great deception” list to include:

1) the futurist view of the Book of Revelation, (Daniel’s 70th Week, Secret Rapture, 7 year Tribulation, Mark of the Beast, the Millennial Kingdom on earth to follow),

2) the heliocentric model of the universe, globe earth spinning at 1,037 miles an hour at the equator, while orbiting the sun at 66,627 mph (interesting Satanic number), while rocketing through the Milky Way at 448,000 mph all to hide God and perpetuate a future alien/demon invasion scheme,

3) possibly a timeline deception adding 1,000 years,

4) who manufactured all the magnificent old world buildings found all over the planet that exceed known technology of the time? I’m starting to suspect that angels may have built most of the old world buildings with technology we don’t know anything about.

5) the hidden fact that the tribulation, the rapture of the church, the mark of the beast, and Christ’s millennial kingdom on earth is history, not future.

6) The Big Bang Theory – Jesuit inspired.

7) Evolution – a change in the genetic make-up of a population over time.

8) Major changes to the map of the world.

9) Moon landings, space travel, NASA.

10) Fake news and endless public gaslighting.

11) Dispensational futurist rapture teaching predominant by design.

12) Pharmakeia – safe and effective.

13) Eugenics, Democide, Genocide, Infanticide.

You really do live in a matrix of lies; question everything.

If Satan is the father of all lies and lying is his native tongue then I believe it’s safe to assume these whoppers came from Satan himself and all of his Jesuit, Zionist Clubs (that we ain’t in) and their lackey political minions,

7 minutes:

During His earthly ministry, our Lord prophesied on numerous occasions that He would return to set up His Millennial Kingdom within a generation – and first-century historian Flavius Josephus was there to see it.

6 minutes:

The Dark Ages (also known as the Middle Ages) were a supposed period of decline in science, culture and literature. However, it was anything but.

4:39 minutes


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