Skipping hand on Bible, Trump declares: ‘We will not forget our God’ at inauguration

Posted on Jan 21, 2025

Ezekiel Diet Note:  This causes me to wonder if the “God” Trump keeps evoking is the Zionist “god”, or The God of the Old and New Testament. However, his wife is standing there holding two Protestant Bibles. So President Trump is specifically implying he won’t put his hand on these Bibles. I think this indicates a new fear of the Lord. Is President Trump conflicted about his role in the coming  Zionist fake tribulation, Jewish temple, fake antichrist leading to Armageddon?



During his presidential swearing-in inaugural ceremony, Donald Trump several times invoked God, while inexplicably not placing his hand on either of the two Bibles Melania Trump held at his side.

“I was saved by God to make America great again,” Trump told the former presidents, lawmakers, and billionaires in attendance at the Capitol Rotunda. “We are one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God,” Trump also declared, adding, “We will not forget our God.”

Many, including the Deputy Chief of Staff to a Democratic U.S. Congressman, noted that Trump did not place his hand on the Bible. And while not a constitutional requirement, it was a striking anomaly.

Also reporting Trump not being sworn in with a hand on the Bible, The New York Post noted, “Trump used both a family Bible and the so-called Lincoln Bible, which was sworn on by the 16th president in 1861 as well as Barack Obama in 2009 and 2013.”

“Instead,” the Post reported, “Trump stood with his left arm down by his side as he raised his right hand for the oath of office.”

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