High protein, low-carb, sugarless diet helps rid young girl of depression, pain and anxiety

by EzekielDiet.com
Posted on Oct 12, 2016

by: Amy Goodrich

(NaturalNews) There is no doubt that food plays a crucial role in our well-being. It provides building blocks and energy, and directly affects how our bodies and minds function. While there is not a single diet that works for everyone, eliminating processed foods, sugar and refined grains should be the main priority of every healthy diet.

High protein and low-carb diets are all the hype these days. For years we have been told that increased fat in the diet is the leading cause of obesity, heart attacks and other chronic Western diseases. However, many health experts now believe that a diet low in carbohydrates and higher in healthy fats and protein is essential in order to prevent illness, maintain a healthy weight and improve the quality of life.

Writing for Mark’s Daily Apple, guest writer Kristina explained how dietary changes transformed her life.

Red flags all around us

Even when she was growing up, Kristina already knew something was not right. As a 9-year-old, she constantly had a stomachache and felt bloated. Furthermore, she struggled with fatigue, anxiety episodes and childhood depression.

“I struggled to be happy yet I had every reason to be happy. I had amazing parents, a great life, but my little kid brain didn’t see it that way. It was like I couldn’t help but feel scared all the time. I hated it,” she said.

Little did she know that it was her unhealthy Western diet that was affecting her body and mind.

As a teenager, looks started to become more important to her. However, even though she was exercising a lot, she still gained weight and struggled with acne, which didn’t help boost her confidence or ease her feelings of depression.

This time, however, she noticed the message her body sent, and started to eat “healthy,” or what she thought was healthy. She was eating a lot of fruit and dairy. She went almost entirely off gluten, but made a common mistake there: She considered gluten-free processed food to be healthy, and often binged on these sugar-laden foods to conquer her social anxiety attacks.

As a result, she kept feeling sick and her period had not started. More red flags kept piling up.

High protein, low-carb, sugarless diet saved the day

In one last, desperate move, Kristina’s mom took her to a functional doctor who turned her whole life around. She put Kristina on a non-processed food diet – higher in protein, lower in carbohydrates and with absolutely no sugar.

Within days Kristina could feel the effects the diet was having on her body and mind. She felt like a whole new person. A fortnight was all it took for her acne to clear up, her period to break through, the bloating and stomachaches to disappear, and for her feelings of depression to be lifted.

She could finally be the person she always wanted to be. Since her grand metamorphosis she has never looked back. The changes her diet brought were too important to fall back into her old eating habits.

“Never before this point had I realized the impact food had on me and could have on others. It’s been almost six years since that point. I still struggle but nothing like before. The knowledge saved my life. And continues to do so,” she said.

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Source article:  http://www.naturalnews.com/055616_low-carb_diet_sugarless_foods_depression.html


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