From the Fringe: Caster Oil Treatment on Skin and Warts

Posted on Apr 24, 2024

Ezekiel Diet Note:  This is just an update from a post I did several weeks ago about caster oil.

I’ve been using it on the back of my hands and forearms because of years of sun damage.  My forearms started to look polka-dotted with age/sun spots a decade ago. Caster oil treatments for several weeks has faded them substantially. I’m very pleased with this treatment. It’s no longer noticeable unless you look closely under a bright light. It’s definitely rolled back the clock at least 15 to 20 years. I’ve tried a lot of other treatments over the years that were only marginally effective and all temporary.

But, what I found more interesting is I started adding a dab of caster oil to a rough feeling small wart on my back. I could feel it but not see it. It felt like a small oblong scab not a bulbous wart. I would put a drop on my finger and dab it on the wart. I did this several times and then stopped because I didn’t think  it was working. This was weeks ago. Then a couple days ago I felt the edges lifting up like a scab and it just peeled off and is now gone.

Something else I’ve noticed when using this on my face. I risk getting a blemish on my face after having a dessert or dish in a restaurant because of what I suspect is cow’s milk (pus) or Round Up ready drenched wheat.  When I know I’ve gone off the EZ Diet list of clean foods I apply the caster oil to my face as a preventative measure now. It sounds gross I know but it’s no different than adding any skin lotion and it works very well. It’s just a few drops worked into the skin for at least a couple hours.  It really changes the texture and feel of my skin and stops potential breakouts and gets rid of blemishes. It’s subtle but very quantifiable.

Research studies have found that castor oil contains therapeutic components including fatty acids, flavonoids, phenolic compounds, amino acids, terpenoids and phytosterols. These various compounds give the oil the following properties and potential health benefits:





Hepatoprotective (ability to prevent damage to the liver)

Free radical scavenging



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