Movie Nefarious – Demon Explains To Atheist Doctor Their Plan Against Humanity

Posted on Mar 26, 2024

Ezekiel Diet Note:  I watched the movie Nefarious last night. The majority of the movie is filmed in a stone dungeon-like prison interview room. Two men and a table; one chained. I’m sure the movie investors loved the budget on this one.

The dialogue in this movie is absolutely fascinating to a Christian, and very uncomfortable and terrifying for a non-Christian. This is the gospel according to a demon.  Nefarious never mentions the name Jesus and refers to him only as the carpenter; and God is the enemy.

The movie is artistically and spiritually profound. A quote about this movie that resonated with me, and I completely agree is “the Nefarious character as played by Sean Patrick Flanery is like Jack Nicholson’s performance in The Shining level of acting.” and “if the plot had been about trans children Sean Patrick Flanery would have been nominated for an Academy Award.”

I highly recommend this movie. It came out last year, April 2023. The good news is it’s discounted from $19.99 down to just $4.99 on Prime.

Scene from the movie Nefarious (2023) where the demon inside Edward Wayne Brady is explaining to athiest Doctor James Martin what the plan is for demons to destroy humanity.  Hear the Biblical accurate story of the animosity and hatred the fallen angels have for mankind. It’s interesting to put a face and a performance with this truth.

The possessed star of the movie Sean Patrick Flanery does this thing with his tongue throughout the movie that I thought was an imitation of a reptilian demon. However, I see him doing it here in this CBN interview as well.


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