Prep Idea: Affordable Gravy & Sauce Dry Mixes by Simply Organic

Posted on May 19, 2024

Ezekiel Diet Note:  I recently became aware of the Simply Organic Brand of sauces and gravy mixes for a couple dollars and change each.

However, Amazon has 12 pack options that get the price down to a dollar and change each.

Bottled gravy and sauces are getting so expensive. Why pay for the bottle, cap, label, water, shipping cost and grocery store profit? It doubles, triples and quadruples the price.

I just ordered the brown gravy and chicken gravy 12 packs to try. They all have 200+ to 300+ mg of sodium so you have to consider these as salt sources.

Consider ordering several hundred of these to help flavor rice and beans if things get as bad as some believe. You can always snip the corner (to compress) of each packet and put several mixes together to vacuum seal all the air out. That should help these last for at least a decade. I bet these would be good barter items when everyone is eating bland survival or FEMA boxed food.



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