Book of Revelation: Historicist View, Part 1 of 27 – Where are we on the Time-Line?

Posted on Nov 08, 2024

Ezekiel Diet Note:  You have to be careful when interpreting the Book of Revelation.  I spent a couple decades as a prophecy enthusiast learning from my  church, radio, TV, seminars, book series, movies, videos, DVDs, tapes, conventions, cable TV, and the Internet being taught a false Jesuit inspired Futurist interpretation of last days prophecy.  I believed the futurist view of  a “coming” 7 year tribulation period and a “coming” Anti-Christ Global World Order for 30 years. It was the only view allowed before the Internet on the old controlled mainstream media, TV, movies, books,  cable, radio, conferences, etc.

Everybody I knew was deceived, and I think most still are. Which leads me to the next statement. Someone or group was controlling all of the mainstream media (books, TV, magazines, movies, tele-evangelism, radio, prophecy news) prior to about the year 2000, to only allow the Futurist view to be seen and heard by the masses. The Futurist brand in conjunction with Zionist Israel was, and really still is, mass mind control.

It wasn’t until I started researching Jesuit influence and deception that I realized the Futurist interpretation was false. Introduced to deflect attention away from the Papacy as the seat of the Anti-Christ by moving it way out into a “Future 7 year Tribulation” period, hence the term Futurist.

See all 27 Parts at Book of Revelation: Historicist View, Parts 1 of 27

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could believe all of today’s chaos would soon be over? Many people think it’s just beginning, but that’s a new thought on the world scene. Until the mid-twentieth century, most Biblical scholars considered the Book of Revelation from an historicist’s viewpoint. I think this view of Revelation needs to be revisited today, if for no other reason than preserving that history. Join me in learning what the Reformers and early Church Fathers can teach us about our future. Coming soon!

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