AMERICAN JESUITS: A History of Jesuitism in the United States (2024) by Chris Pinto

Posted on Jul 11, 2024

Ezekiel Diet Note:  This is the long awaited documentary by Chris Pinto. Very well done; television/cable quality documentary available for sale at the link below.  I knew most of this information and more from several years of study including Tom Friess’ reading and discussion on the Global Vatican.

The Jesuits are the “Deep State”.

American Jesuits may be one of the most important documentaries ever produced concerning the social and political conflicts in America today. The influence of the Vatican and her Jesuit priests is the key to understanding globalism, social justice, illegal immigration, the LGBT agenda, Black Lives Matter, the infiltration of Islam and Sharia law, Covid-19, and much more. This documentary covers the history of Jesuitism in America and the diabolical influence of the order into modern times.”

If You wish to support the Creators of this film by purchasing a DVD Copy you can do so here:


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